Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Creative Space - Collage

Yep, it's finally finished! I've changed it all around, if you're wondering why it looks nothing like you remember! Actually, it's been so long I'm sure no-one remembers the original design (have a peek here if you like!) I'm on to making a second one now - this one will have the stiletto lady and the hand-sewn text I'd originally created for this first one... it just didn't work with the heavier colours of this print. The second print I made afterwards so it's much lighter and has a grainier texture to it. Anyway... Happy Creative Space day everyone! Check out all the creative lovelies via Kirsty's here.


  1. yellow is such a great color especially the way you have used it..I love your collage, beautiful work.

  2. Just Gorgeous Kylie! That sweet little bird looks as if its about to fly off the page. Cant wait to see the other one finished too!

  3. Kylie! I love what you turned this into with the bird! Its gorgeous.

  4. It's really beautiful Kylie. You've done a fabulous job.

  5. Yellow is one of my favorite colors, so this really appeals to me. I like how you've combined all the different elements.

  6. Congratulations!! It looks fantastic!

  7. Wow! It looks so beautiful. And doesn't that frame change the look and finish it off perfectly.

  8. How lovely kylie, I reaaly love that yellow. Very beautiful as always...

  9. your collage is fabulous I love the bird I love the colours and the depth, great work

  10. Just gorgeous Kylie! What a lovely,rich,deep yellow!
    What a lovely thing to know there is more coming!
    Have fun,
    Annamaria xx

  11. so lovely!

    ...three is my favourite number too!

    bye for now!

  12. This is really lovely Kylie. I love yellow!

  13. I'm speechless, I think it's beautiful. I LOVE the transparency of the bird. Your colouring is magnificent. I'm inspired. I'd so hang that on my wall...

  14. Wow, very much impressed here! The mustard yellow looks amazing and I love it framed too!

  15. Beautiful Kylie! When did you say you were opening on etsy?

  16. Stunning, it looks fabulous framed and on the wall. I love the little bird.

  17. Lovely! It's so bright and vibrant :-)

  18. Be-oootiful Kylie - it looks fantastic framed up and in position!

  19. Gorgeous - I love all the different elements. I enjoyed seeing the stitiching of the stiletto lady too :)

  20. it's gorgeously beautiful!! And I have to say any blog that has such a good tune on in the background that I start dancing has to be marked as a fave!!

  21. Kylie! Your creative juices are oozing girl! It's just so so wonderful. It made me go 'awww' Great colours too xx

  22. They are beautiful Kylie. You have a distinctive style and colour choice and I really get a lot out of observing your creative space. I probably haven't described that very well, I'm not sure how to.

    Aesthetic! You have a distinctive aesthetic. I love it

  23. Kylie, that is stunning. I love it and can't wait to see how the next one turns out. I was never drawn to yellow (despite having a bad fashion blip in the 80s with a matching yellow t-shirt and skirt - bleugh) but just lately I'm loving it. x

  24. Love it Kylie... Your Creative Mojo is flowing!

  25. Have I mentioned before how much in awe I am of your creative output? I'm convinced you have a 27 hour day!

  26. a bird of beauty with color and care...bravo kylie

  27. Looks so lovely. Well done Kylie. You must be so pleased with the finished result.

  28. Gosh KYlie - so incredibly beautiful - love love love. You talented thing, you!

  29. oh I really like that! Nice work Kylie!

  30. i'm a yellow lover and a birdie lover so quite frankly this is just about near as perfect it can get for me... fab, fab, fabulous collage!!!

  31. Beautiful! I love the yellow you chose to layer on

  32. Hi Kylie, thanks for your comment over my creative space;)Not sure what technique you use but the result is a delight!You are a very Clever lady too:))!

  33. This is really lovely - work to be proud of.

  34. Wow Kylie. I hope you are feeling very proud of yourself. It is beautiful and how fantastic to have something you created on display in your home.

  35. It's exquisite Kylie! (it feels weird to say that because my name is Kylie too :)

  36. Wow. I love it Kylie. So bold and distinctive... without being in an 'in your face' kind of way. Are you doing more of these?

  37. You should be very proud of this Kylie. I hope it brings you joy for years - which is exactly what art should do.

  38. I love yellow! And your use of stitching here is lovely, lovely, lovely.

  39. that's a lovely work Kylie! and i'm crazy about that mustard yellow

  40. great colors! you're very productive lately kylie!

  41. by the way, Kylie, your Flickr badge with all the brooches looks delicious!Have you noticed?
    Annamaria xx

  42. I missed this! It is so beautiful, you have done a brilliant job, your combination of different techniques and textures is must be very happy with yourself!
