Thursday, September 3, 2009

Inspiration: Angharad McLaren

Angharad McLaren

Neon Green Jacquard Shibori Pleats

Neon Ropes

Neon Stripes

Shibori Pleats

It's always so exciting to discover innovations in textile design. I love the stories that come with them; the inspirations and happy accidents... I love it when people take what they love and incorporate it into another sphere of their life... This beautiful melding of disparate passions or obsessions is something we all do every day, in big and small ways... and the results are always so stunning and interesting.

So, here is one such story - Angharad McLaren's passion for the sea and water sport activities, such as sailing and windsurfing, led to her development of this vibrant and dynamic collection of woven textiles. She is a recent graduate with a Master's degree from the Royal College of Art in London, who has combined her personal love of sports and performance textiles and incorporated new weave structures with traditional patterns and hand-finished techniques. Her choice of materials range from organic natural fibers to neoprene and recycled ropes. She repurposes existing materials into the new woven patterns. Her new textile collection also includes the most breathtaking and complex woven designs of Shibori Pleats. Angharad McLaren's collection of woven textiles will be launched at 100% Design London on 24th September this year. Her website is here and I found her via here.


  1. ooooooo stripes...with folds! i am intrigued!
    thanks for sharing :)

  2. Lovely bright colours and textures. Thanks for sharing.

  3. WOW those shibori pleats are amazing!! Thanks for sharing this i absolutely love the colours and pattern in angharads textiles. x

  4. I love those neon ropes. Really interesting and well-written as usual. Now I'm off to check out the links :)

  5. She's incredible! Loving those textures. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Great work! I really love textile world (I would like do take a degree about that!)

  7. love this A LOT!!! thanks for sharing!
