Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Okay, so this photo is from a few years ago on a family trip to New Zealand but it's one of my favourites :) Happy Father's Day to all the lovely families out there! We've had a deliciously lazy morning... there was a daddy-daughter trip to Bunnings and now they're out there in the garden digging up soil and planting passionfruit. Such a lovely day :) Hope you have a good one too!


  1. Happy Fathers Day. I'm afraid our plans for today went out the window when my car broke down yesterday - the day after getting it back from the panel shop! Dave has a ute, so we can't put the baby seat in there. So no trip to the beach, then the farmers markets and lunch together as planned. But there was breakfast in bed, presents and fun with Cohen and now Dave is playing golf. So not too bad! :)

  2. Supersweet, Kylie! You have a lovely family! Enjoy Father's day! :)

  3. What a lovely photo Kylie! You have a beautiful family! My best wishes for all of you on Father's Day!
    Annamaria xxxxx

  4. I noted today, as I zipped off to Bunnings, that I can't remember a Father's Day without one such visit (and possibly a sausage sizzle)!

  5. What a lovely photo Kylie - nice to see your family. Hope you all had a special day.

  6. oh what a very special photo kylie...two cute smiling girls loving their daddy...glad your day was full of fun

  7. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful fathers day. Cute picture!
