Saturday, September 26, 2009

Back in Brisbane

Public transport, Paris-style :)

Just a couple of hours ago my feet hit soil again after 28 hours in transit from London to Brisbane... definitely feeling light-headed and woozy, but I have got a load of washing done and caught up on all the news from my daughters, so life is good. Thanks for all your wonderful comments and emails... so lovely to come back to :)
Anyway, just wanted to say hi... I hope to have my brain connected by tomorrow ;)


  1. Hi! Rather - welcome back to Oz and hope the Lag isn't around for long.

  2. Forgot to say (before I hit 'post') that am curious if you were able to see many places from 'Paris: Made By Hand' (how delicious is this book?!!)

  3. Welcome back! Can't wait to hear what you did/saw :)

  4. Hi! Hope you had a fab time and can't wait to hear all about it! x

  5. How lovely that you are back home- (I can't really say welcome back from North America can I? LOL - )I can't wait to hear all about your European adventures! You were missed!- I am so happy to see you here again!

  6. Ohh, I've missed you!!! So glad you're back! I came to check on your blog the other day to see if you were back already! :) Hope you had a great time and I'm sure we'll find lots of inspirational posts on your blog soon! :)

  7. i so missed your newsy posts and lovely photos~glad you back safely

  8. guess you're happy to be back somehow as well! but paris and london are always nice! and windowshopping is the best!!
