Saturday, September 12, 2009

Up Up and Away...!

I've been rushing around like a mad thing the last few days... cooking, cleaning, organising (none of which come naturally to me!). In snatched moments of bliss I've been busy trying to get as much as I can done on my entry in Gemma's trimming competition over at Loz & Dinny. This is a sneak peek of what I've managed so far...

All work must stop on this and other projects, however, as I have the loveliest of distractions to attend to... the time of year that I live for... it's trade fair time! As many of you know, my partner and I run our own small business and the one perk of the job that makes it all worthwhile (for me) is going to the Paris trade fair each year to buy stock. I didn't think I was going this year because of the GFC so it's all come up rather suddenly for me. Thank goodness for frequent flyer points!

Paris will be mostly work but I'm hoping to sneak out and visit a few places featured in Pia Jane Bijkerk's Paris: Made by Hand. What I'm really really excited about and so looking forward to, though, is London... my favourite place in the whole world. I'm hoping to post some pics on my blog from the laptop if I can. Keep an eye out for a postcard! ;)


  1. How exciting for you. I didn't know you had a business. What do you sell?

  2. how very exciting! and the perfect reward for the dreaded c,c + o {which doesn't come naturally to me either!}. have a great time :)

  3. Thanks Thea + Belinda! We have an optometry practice, Thea, and sell very groovy eyewear!

  4. Wow your embroidery is ROCKING!
    Have a wonderful trip Kylie. xx G

  5. oh your stitching and your travel ~both filled with excitement!

  6. Oh Kylie, you're going to have a wonderful time I'm sure. You know I love both cities. Enjoy!

  7. Oh, Kylie, have a wonderful wonderful time. When are you going to be in London?? Maybe I can sneak a trip down x

  8. have a great time, and say hi to ole London town from me :)

  9. Hope it will all be great-great fun...Can't wait to see these pictures from the lap-top!
    Big hug!
    Annamaria :)

  10. I think that choosing the right pair is an art unto itself and is somehow quite an emotional process because it forces you to stare at your own face. The glasses I'm wearing right now were purchased in London! Maybe one day I'll have the pleasure of buying an extravagant pair from you and your partner. Enjoy the work and travel!

  11. The flower looks great please make sure you post a pic when its finished. Enjoy your trip.

  12. ooooh, have fun! I'm hoping to get to Paris for the first time next year. I'll have to get some shopping tips from you!

  13. so jealous of your trip... please post photos of London - I haven't been there in 21 years!

  14. I'm with you - London is the best city on earth! I was lucky enough to go this year too - enjoy!

  15. The stitching looks great! Hope you have a wonderful trip!

  16. oh waw london AND paris! that's very nice! i'm jealous!!! can't wait to see the pictures!

  17. lovely stitching!!! hope you will have a nice trip:-)
    ( there will be a pincushion sale on mieke willems blog tomorrow at 2:OO pm)

  18. Oh lucky, lucky you! Sort of sitting beside myself as I type, all jealous like. Oh, and I hereby vote for you to win Gemma's comp - gorgeous stitchery and I'm still staring at my trim with mild panic...

  19. kylie, can't check the mail at home from the shop, but will let you know more soon! hope you'll have one, but guess so...!!! write you soon!!

  20. Oh what a great job perk. I love a perky job. Hope the beret arrives in time. You need to take a beret to wear in Paris don't you?

  21. lucky you, i have to wait till next year. have a fabulous trip + get lots of inspiration.

  22. Yay for travels & groovy eyewear! I need new glasses - LOL! I hope you have a grand time - enjoy, Kylie! :)

  23. Lovely post - and I really love your site. Thanks so much for sharing it ! Best wishes to you...

  24. Hope you are having fun!! The embroidery looks delish - but can't wait to hear tales from foreign isles!

  25. hi! you've won my pattern giveaway, let me know your address and I'll get them to you in a jiffy! (and do show & tell what you make form them!)
    x Pepper

  26. hi kylie, i am not sure you check your blog out there, but if you do, let us know your address on!
    for the pincushion!
    veronik, mieke and renilde!
