Monday, September 28, 2009


Sorry for the delay... jet lag has been bad this time, but more than that, I had an inch of red dust all over everything in the house that desperately required attention before I could do anything. I'm sure you've all heard about and maybe even experienced yourself the dust storms we've been having here on the eastern coast of Australia. I read about it in the papers in London before we left, but was totally unprepared for how my house would look on our return. So, trip things...

This is the only show-able photo I have of myself out of very slim pickings. I have to say, we took so few pics and seemed to be running around the whole time. Paris was pretty much work work work but we did squeeze in some lovely walks around. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed with my round up... I didn't get to many of the places in the Paris: Handmade book at all, but I did snap some funny and cute window displays...

Above is a very cute shop I found in the Louvre district called Le Facteur N'est Pas Passe. They had some fabulous handmade bits and pieces. Actually, just about every shop window had that handmade aesthetic in their window displays regardless of the product they were selling, which was interesting. Like the clothing shop below had these amazing ceramics...

And so London... we had such a wonderful time. It wasn't about shopping it was about people and seeing friends so I have only a couple of random snaps for you of things that interested me or made me laugh. The Michael Jackson dress is a hoot, don't you think?

Giant pencil frontage covering scaffolding...

Gorgeous shop displays at the V&A...

Okay okay, I know... not what you were wanting from me! With only four days in each city I guess there was never going to be time for hunting down those blogged-of places we all dream about but I'm happy to have had such a lovely relaxing time there :)

p.s.... I'm fast approaching my 200th post and I'm planning a giveaway of some lovely goodies I found in my travels, so stay tuned!


  1. Hello Kylie! Great photos!
    I invite you to visit and take a look at our contest. Participate!!
    Hugs! Puppy

  2. Wow Kylie! What a wonderful trip you've had, albeit brief. Thanks for sharing some of the wonderful things you've seen

  3. Thank you so much for these gorgeous pics of shop windows - I love looking at window displays - think it comes from backpacking days - where it was the only way to get vicarious shopping pleasure! So Lovely! Hope you are getting refreshed sans dust!

  4. kylie ~what a nice variety of window shopping ...but jet lag and red dust not fun

  5. glad you had a good time..
    missed your posting!!!
    so glad you are home with family!
    thanks for sharing

  6. Actually I'm thinking your pics were precisely what I was after! Welcome home Mrs. Hope the timezones align super-speedily...

  7. Thanks for taking us windowshopping - what a treat! :)

  8. Lovely photos Kylie - nice to see you in front of Notre Dame. Gorgeous window displays - especially V&A.
    Sorry about the dust!

  9. I think you got to the best parts Kylie. Notre Dame is in my favourite part of Paris and the V&A is the best place in London for shopping disguised as culture! I hope you had a great time x

  10. that dress is hilarious kylie! and where are those gorgeous pencils? i want them in my garden! x

  11. Wonderful to have you back safe and sound Kylie and I want to hear about the trip. I have blog envy!

  12. love these pics kylie thanks for sharing! and welcome back : )!!

  13. OH I am a tat jaleous about having a trip to France!!!Merci for the pics;))

  14. Are you kidding? These are great - the pencils (with the quotes), the V&A displays... *drool*
