Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Stash: Fabric #4

Another fabric stash and another vintage piece I don't have the courage to cut into...! This fabric was given to me many years ago now by a friend and it seems I'm wholly incapable of cutting it because I find it too precious :)
More Sunday Stashes can be found here and there's a Flickr Stash Pool here.


  1. Very precious looking! Great colours too.

    Oooh, you seem to have a lot of vintage fabric and I am just a touch jealous...


  2. One last comment before I go to bed... this looks beautiful, the kind of thing I love to frame.

  3. Oh, this one is really beautiful. I can understand why you wouldn't want to risk cutting into it!

  4. ohh, very nice! I really like this one. Like Christina, a touch jealous of your vintage lovelies.

  5. You certainly have an eye for good designs. It's a lovely pattern :)

  6. Oooh, it almost hurts to think about doesn't it? I hear ya K! XXOO

  7. hi kylie, i would feel exacly the same, what a nice pattern!!!!!!!!!
