Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Find: 3 Girls + a Goat

Bird Series Gift Card - Winter White

Gift Cards + Envelopes - Coral Red, Passion Flower, Pink Petals and Sea Jelly Pink

Mint, Ice, Dogwood Blue + Lime and Lemon Filigree

Recycle Design Envelopes + Cards

Oh, do I have a treat for you today! I know you're excited, fellow-worshippers at the altar of paper... Pray, contain thyselves and be ready for the gorgeousness that is 3 Girls + a Goat stationery. Luscious paper stock that has been hand printed and embossed, hand constructed and stamped... these are truly beautiful paper goods, lovingly fashioned for maximum impact and enjoyment. Can't you just see these lovelies on your gifts? It's the kind of product that begs to be touched, all those delicious bumps and swirls!
Brisbane architect, Steffen Tuck, is the talented designer and artisan of these goodies. She began making her paper products through a desire to recycle the multitude of magazines around her house - her Recycle Design cards and envelopes are still a main feature of her paper work. From there, she began creating more detailed and crafted gift pieces. The idea behind them came from not wanting to hide a beautiful card in an envelope (cute, hey?)... So, she reversed the order and created beautifully decorated envelopes to carry the simple white cards! So unique and such a fabulous idea, don't you think?
There isn't a blog as yet (I'm told it will happen one day!) but you can find Steffen's beautiful pieces at her Etsy Store here and there's even a Made.It Store here.


  1. Kylie

    What a treat, such beautiful words and glad of the thrill you received this week with our exchange. I appreciate your interest, and this terrific rave. I hope others can pick up on the vibe from reading here; as many others have after touching, feeling and seeing.

    I have to agree "begging" to touch is part of the chase and the allure of the handmade.

  2. Beatiful colours. I can imagine running my hands over the texture. Almost too nice to write on.

  3. i bought some of the map envelopes (with the fabulous bumps) for a good pal as a christmas present....and so wanted to keep them myself :)

  4. So pretty and so professional, the perfect combination!

  5. Just so lovely - They deserve to be framed.

  6. They are so very beautiful not just to look at but to be touched.

  7. Just delicious ! A treat for the eyes and the hands...very pretty-love all the red threads and the stitching and all the forms of texture!
    I will go and visit that store!Kylie, thanks for sharing!

  8. These have left me speechless. So, so ... good.

  9. Shucks and darn girl, you beat me to it! Steffen is on my to-do list of blog posts. I bought her beautiful art (well, it is art after all!) from Etsy a while back and have been meaning to post about her. Would you believe that I actually wrote it down only a couple of nights ago to remind myself to do it! Ahh, we have such great taste don't we??!!

    PS. Have you looked at her Flickr site? She takes a m a z i n g photographs - that's how I found her actually.

  10. AND, I've just re-read your post and I do believe I could not have done Steffen justice compared to that. Excellent review! I'm a lazy sod, I post my pics, say three words then run away.

  11. hi kylie, you're such a speedy blogster! i'm always running behind.
    you've showing here very nice things the last days. Love the cards, want to touch them!!!!

  12. I love her work & if you are not following her Flickr stream yet, you just have to - she does the most incredible pictures!

  13. i had the very pleasure of meeting Steffen last week...yes you need a blog steffen, because flickr just ain't enough. :)

  14. these are so inspiring

  15. hehehe Tiel, I know, but so many things to do, and so little time... Kylie tells me the same
