Sunday, August 2, 2009


Nick Cave performing at All Tomorrow's Parties in Sydney in January this year. Picture pinched from the Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend magazine, August 1st, 2009.

"There's not a thing about old age I recommend... Those glorious cardinal sins are taken away from you till you're left with nothing but envy."

I realise this isn't part of my unusual 3 sheets style, but hey, we're all 3-dimensional characters with loads of quirky bits. One of my quirks is I'm a big Nick Cave fan. I was just sitting out on the back deck in the sun reading the papers and this wonderful quote made me laugh out loud. I went to this concert in January at the Riverstage in Brisbane... what a performer. I've never seen someone be so generous with their audience. He's such a rock god! :)


  1. Doesn't he just make you swoon?

    I adore Nick Cave, he is my all time fav. artist.

  2. TOTALLY! Thanks for commenting Julianne! K

  3. Yes I'm a big fan too. He rocks for sure!

  4. i saw this article too. he might be getting old, but i bet he can still move!

  5. Oh, Nick Cave. Yum. Have you read And the Ass Saw the Angel? I started it probably 10 years ago and never finished.

  6. Oh, weak at the knees joy for Nick Cave

  7. Dear Nick,

    I want to have your babies. Hope this is not too much to ask. And if you don't mind, please don't tell my husband...

    All my rock star love,

    PS. I saw you in Brisbane with my hubby (then boyfriend) and I don't think he suspected a thing...


  8. oh yay!! definitely ROCKS!!! great pic aswell :)

  9. Ah yes... would be great to go! I saw him a few years back, and it was GREAT!!
