Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brooch Update - 3D felt

Just a quick one today to show you what I've been up to... Over the weekend I've been experimenting with creating 3D 'bubbles' on my brooches. The first one I was happy with but it hasn't photographed very well I'm afraid. The three black beads have a nice play with light when you see it in person :) The second one... well, I think it looks like a scrunched up cotton ball so I've tried to make it more interesting, but, I think I've strayed too far into the over-embellishment trap. Anyway... works in progress continue. School drop-off is done and I'm rushing out the door to my very first crochet lesson!!! I'm so excited :)


  1. they look so fun!!
    have a great time crocheting

  2. I like the first one, but I am a little unsure of the beads!

    Yay for crochet! I am loving sitting on the couch at night, hook in hand, as the ripple throw grows and grows. Where are you having lessons? What are you going to make first?! :)

  3. I took inspiration from you and tried to make a brooch over the weekend but mine is definitely still a work in progress!!! Yours llok great. Hope the crochet lesson went well - stick with it it really is quite easy when you know how!!!! xx

  4. Thanks everyone! It certainly was more challenging than I thought ;) I just can't get my hands in the right position! Anyway, I think it's telling that my instructor advised me that crochet is also very good for learning patience!! So funny :)
    I'm learning at Tangled Yarns in Chester Street, the Valley. We're making a face washer (which I found a bit strange but I guess it's the rows of stitches we're learning).
    Thanks for the encouragement!

    K x

  5. yes, I love the 3D first, for its crispness of line and colour- I not a bead person, so I defer to your judgement- fill us in on the crochet lessons.... I started to teach myself, and then lost the plot, but would like to know how to

  6. I like the first one - it reminds me of your Basque architecture...

  7. I would tend to agree with all the above that the first feels more finished than the second-
    I was wondering about your process, do you draw them out first or do you go directly to your materials?
    Well done with your crochet lessons, I have been wanting to do that for some time now- I have learned how to crochet by myself but my work has been very uneven and generally unsatisfying- you know I make a scarf and my kids kindly say, oh nice colours mom...and run away! So I want to learn properly too. Good luck!
    Annamaria x

  8. That last one's my fave. The beading is so darling.
