Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All change please!

My focus has shifted somewhat... I'm determined to work out this crochet thing! My first lesson yesterday was great. Stef, my teacher at Tangled Yarns, was fabulous.. she just had to work really hard with a very bad student ;) Is this an over-40 thing? Why couldn't I get my head around it? With much patience and perseverance I managed to do a row of double stitch and then a row of treble stitch...(it only took two hours!) Worst of all, I got back home and had totally forgotten how to do the double stitch row again... Such a sad thing. After much Net searching I think I've got it and have been powering on, but it's a hard climb. I'm now pretending I didn't ever want a square shape really! Are my hands supposed to ache this much...? ;)


  1. Kylie, I did the same class at Tangled Yarns & yes I did exactly the same thing. My washcloth ended up looking like a house with a chimeny, somehow. I had to pull it back & start again & think what I was doing (you're actually decreasing)before the light went off in the head. I think it's one of those practise makes perfect kind-of craft. Maybe we need a support class for the beginners! Just hang on there, by the 3rd class, you should be fine.

  2. wow, you have the skills! i spent three hours trying to learn (with a very good teacher also) and was still clueless afterwards. it's so hard! your outcome looks quite lovely :)

  3. Steam is the saviour of out of shape knitting and crochet. Just be very careful to keep your fingers out of the way.

  4. Oh well done you! I desperately want to learn to crochet. I tried teaching myself but then yelled at myself for being such a crap student and teacher. Perhaps I need outside help... in more than one way.

  5. BRILLIANT K! You won't be sorry. The hand does get a little achey - and don't be too hard on yourself re: finding it difficult to start with. I honestly questioned whether I would ever 'get it'. I wondered why a pefectly capable woman in most other areas couldn't do what half the residents of the local nursing home could. Answer: Practice, practice, practice, and watch a few good tutoriasls on youtube (over and over and over again if necessary). MP XXOO

  6. Thanks for your comments everyone! I've been practising all day actually and I can see the difference already..! ;) Oh MP you make me laugh! I was wondering about my (lack of) ability too... failing entry to a nursing home would be the final straw! Thanks for the tip about steaming, Trish! And thanks 9crafty11, re the decreasing (I'm still doing it but can't work out how yet!) Waiting for the light! :) K

  7. Well done Kylie! How exciting- I am so sure you will be such a diligent student and do amazingly well in no time!
    Annamaria x

  8. HA! Definitely not an over-40 issue. Can't crochet at all, in spite of several people attempting to teach me.

  9. Well, stick at it Kylie. Looks like your making progress already. As for the over 40 thing, well, I still haven't learned how to drive (!!!), no incentive to whatsover and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a hard time picking things up...

  10. keep it up you are doing great! i've made some of these too, there were instructions over on the design*sponge blog last year. very cute wash clothes. worth the challenge : )

  11. Oh dear... I don't drive either! I've been meaning to do something about that... ;)
    Thanks for all your comments! Annamaria, it always makes my day to see you here. Gina, I love your comments - they always have that honest punch that makes me laugh. Thanks everyone!

    K x

  12. Pfft! Square schmare. Yay for you!

  13. Oh it looks fab, it can adorn my kitchen anytime.

    It is a washcloth isn't it?

  14. I tell you, you'll be hooked soon!
    I have had too little time to crochet lately and I miss it. I only started crocheting in february from this year and I just love it.
    I learned it from Mamachee on Etsy. Jip, I learned it by e-mail - haha - she's a darn good teacher & supersweet too! :)
    This site has a good tutorial on the stitches:
    And I found the book 'happy hookers' good too!
    Have fun! :)

  15. it looks great.....i like crocheting, but i'm not great at it...i'm sure you will be amazing at it
