Thursday, August 6, 2009

Book Therapy

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. There's a lot going on and I have quite a few projects mid-way that I'm juggling. Not so much that an organised person couldn't handle, but for me, well, I feel like I'm losing my chaotic thread ;) So, I dive back into my first love... books. Have you seen this wonderful website, The Book Cover Archive? I know they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but for me it's part of the whole sensory experience of a book. I just love it. I do admit I've bought a book before because the cover was so exquisite I needed to be able to look at it often! The Book Cover Archive is edited and maintained by Ben Pieratt of General Projects and Eric Jacobsen of Whisky Van Gogh Go. They do this for the sheer pleasure and appreciation of books :) They have a search engine where you can pull up covers of a particular genre, like architecture, or covers with the same typeface used... it's an amazing resource. I frequently lose myself in there! :) You can find The Book Cover Archive here. I found it via the Crust Station here.


  1. Thanks for the link, I love this kind of thing!

  2. Absolutely in agreement with above- thank you so much - I have to visit there- I love books for their covers...( without an inch of shame!!)
    Have a lovely day Kylie,
    Annamaria x

  3. The cover is definitely something that attracts me to an unknown book lying on a table. I can't wait to check out these fab links.

  4. Oh and I love your 'At the moment I'm reading...' in the sidebar so much, I'm going to give 'goodreads' widget the flick for something like this so I can show off the cover in all it's glory!

  5. Because OH MY GOD! I love you for sharing this and it may just be my latest obsession. I too am a lover of books! Way, way, way too much time is spent thinking about my love of the books! :)

  6. Ooo, great find! I've bought books based on their covers too :)
