Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Creative Space - Tulle Top

Oops... I just realised it's My Creative Space day. I really don't want to go into all the disparate chaotic threads I'm currently tangling (it's just too messy around here people!). So, maybe a bit of sewing will suffice? I made this top a couple of months ago. Since then I've made another for a friend that was finished off with far greater skill... isn't it funny how you go that extra mile when making for someone else? And I've just received a request from another friend just this week for me to make her one too, so I'm hoping it's good enough to show here ;) The top bodice is black tulle with hand-sewn lace bits and the lovely loose lower part is a fabulous brush strokes pattern jersey I found at a closing down sale. Happy Creative Space Day everyone! What have you got cooking? :)
Find more Spaces or join in yourself at Kirsty's here.


  1. Its stunning and definitely good enough to show today!!

  2. Kylie, I always catch your posts just before I go to bed (very late I must confess). I admire your creativity and enthusiasm everyday. Your posts are always so inspiring!

  3. Oh, my, I admire your tulle/lace abilities. It scares me to think of sewing something like that, probably because I've never tried it. ;)

  4. WOW Kylie. This is beautiful. You are one serioulsy all rounded talented crafter!

  5. Beautiful work, I hope you get dibs on wearing your top if going along to events together.

    Now to go back and look at all your posts I've missed!

  6. i'm a big fan of tulle and i love it!!!! totally fabulous you talented girl!

  7. love love this!
    it's super lovely :)

  8. Is anything you do ever NOT good enough to show?!! You're a beautiful artist Kylie. No wonder this top is in hot demand.

  9. This is really lovely Kylie, you are seriously good ...I want to go and read the book therapy post too, see you there..

  10. wow! such beautiful tops. to me they both look mighty skillful :)

  11. oh my this is truly stunning

  12. You have such lucky friends - next week you need to all be wearing your tops together.

  13. IS THERE NO END TO YOUR TALENT??????????????!

  14. This is just great! Absolutely show-off worthy. Love the touch of lace on the sheer tulle.

  15. beautiful and delicate

  16. It's lovely.

    Interesting isn't it...always going the extra mile for others.

  17. That looks great! Do you make your own patterns?

  18. Your friend is very lucky. And I would also love to see some of those other projects on the go, disparate and chaotic are words that I know!

  19. just beautiful Kylie. Is there nothing you can't do??!

  20. You can sew so well! Too bad you live so far away or yu could teach me! :) I'd love to learn! Looking great, Kylie! :)

  21. Wow... your top is amazing. You can see how soft it is in the photo. And it must feel great to have people ask you to make one for them.

  22. I love this top. Seeing things like this always makes me wish i was better at sewing. Thanks for sharing!

  23. This looks so lovely hanging in the sunlight - lucky friend :)

    I love the way the fabric drapes too - so beautifully cut!

  24. Hi Michelle, that looks lovely! I had a peek at your other blog too .... WOW!

  25. wow, very delicate work - super effort it looks gorgeous.

  26. It's beautiful - how clever. Your friends are lucky too :)

  27. OMG that top is just stunning - I HAVE to have it!

  28. Gorgeous! Here in my Brazilian summer it would be perfect!
    Delicate and strong ... at the same time...
