Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2nd Crochet Class

Well, it's official... I can now crochet a granny square! The world is mine :) ...well, at least I've secured my entrance criteria for the nursing home! ;) It was a lot easier than I thought. I'm going to have a look at some other methods too... I think the wonderful Meet Me at Mike's craft book has a different design for these things... In the meantime, a new yarn purchase below for your eyes to feast on. It's actually an incredibly smooth cotton... can't wait to start practising my grannies! It's a public holiday in Brisbane today - People's Day at the Royal Show. Have a lovely day :)


  1. I keep meaning to teach myself how to crochet but there always seems to be something else to start/finish. Your granny square looks so good though and I seem to be finding crochet inspiration everywhere I look. I may have to set myself a deadline to learn!

    And, thanks for dropping by my place the other day, it's always a pleasure :)

  2. You are my crochet heroine! I love the balls of wool in the second picture - very much a 3-sheets colourway happening there.
    Little ultimatum for you on my last blog post BTW - hee hee!

  3. That's awesome! Those make the best kitchen and dusting cloths.

  4. Knew you'd get the hang of it Kylie, can't wait to see what you'll be doing in 6 months time.

  5. Lookin' good, Granny! Now you must be sure to perch those glasses right on the tip of your nose and you'll be set! ;)

  6. You clever crafter you! What a great job you have done!

    I have never made a square like this, but I found a whole heap at an op-shop and want to turn them into a scarf.

    Love the cotton. Did you get it at the same place you are getting lessons? I have been looking for some more lovely cotton as I have only used Spotlight and Bendigo Mills cotton so far. Might have to make a trip into the City... :)

  7. Hi Kylie
    I have been crocheting for coming up one year, I have found it very very addictive. I have just stumbled across your blog and am delighted you named the yarn shop at Newmarket. I live at Aspley and spotlight can be a bit limited so thank-you. Best advice is just to 'keep practising' ( and pulling it out). A great blog I follow is Attic24, she has some easy tutorials (with photos)and she uses colour fantastically.

  8. Ooh, nice! You're very clever, indeed. I have no idea how to crochet.

  9. Mmm, nice colours. Very you! Congratulations for mastering the granny! It's a long way from feeling like you have two left hands when you first start isn't it? Well worth the persevering. XXOO

  10. yummy yarn balls... I like the color pallette.

  11. This is gonna be nice I know it. Wish I could crochet too.

  12. gorgeous colours of wool(?), love it! i wish i had the patience to crochet. see you on wednesday. x mady

  13. Love those colours. But beware crochet can take over your life.

  14. Oh! Well done, I am so excited by being able to crochet now and the world of possibilities that is opening up to me, I'm sure you feel just the same!
