Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My bestie flies out this morning... she's moving to Chicago with her family for 5 years. This was us about 20 years ago - before children, before partners... just climbing trees and doing silly things. Bye Sar :(


  1. Oh, that's sad. 5 years??? You'll clock up a few visits in that time I suspect.

  2. Aww! Mine moved across the country 10 years ago for school, and has now settled there. Ick.

  3. That's sad. I met a very close school friend I'd not seen for 23 years when I was home in England this summer. Such a special person, felt as if I'd seen her only a few weeks ago.

  4. that sounds very sad, my vavourite cousin has moved the other day to the middle of nowhere, it will take me several hours to get there. Before, i just had to take the bike and say hello. i miss her a lot.
    (we were born in the same week :-)

  5. saying goodbye is hard, but the good thing is, she is coming BACK! x mady
