Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Creative Space - Wooden + Felt Brooches

Is it Thursday already? This week has gone by so quickly! My Creative Space this week is a bit of play / work in progress... I've been trying to figure out some way to make my printed felt shapes into brooches. They need something to make them a bit edgier, a bit more interesting. So, I've been playing with balsa wood. It's so easy to carve and (as I discovered!) you can even sew through it :) I am concerned that it's not exactly the strongest of materials... one sharp twist and it will crack... however, I'm going to experiment with coating them or maybe soaking them in something to give them a bit more structural integrity. If anyone has any ideas, that'd be great :)

You can see other spaces or play along with My Creative Space yourself by visiting Kirsty's site here.

p.s. I also put together a little surprise for a "G" person last night... do you know who you are?


  1. I like them! Sadly, that's the extent of my expertise ;-) But I do like the solidness of them, and the designs are lovely too!

  2. those brooches are so lovely, do you wear them all once you've made them? do you sell them? i really do enjoy your brooch posts :) i'm hoping when i have my craft room set up, i can start experimenting with brooch making, you've certainly inspired me :)

  3. you know i love, love, love your brooches....
    these are fabulous!! lucky "g"!!

  4. What an interesting combination! Good luck experimenting. Speaking as a "G" myself, I have to say it's often hard to find things with our initial on it, as it's not all that common, so it's nice of you to think of it. ;)

  5. oh, this is so awesome!
    i love your creativity :)
    and that G keychain is super!

  6. you are so creative, only you would discover that you can sew through balsa wood. Just love it!

  7. If you paint the balsa wood with modpodge (this will prevent it from having a wet look) and then soak it in a two part resin mix (available from hardware shops)it should strengthen - you could even stick the fabric oh while the resin is still sticky. I am so fascinated by the thought of sewing through balsa.

  8. I love the G keyring that you made, such a clever idea. Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know about my post.:)

  9. I have missed a couple of your postings apparently!
    so, 1. I am sad to hear about your bestie moving for five years, but then again you could visit them and while you are in the North American continent why don't you visit us too?(I promise to have all the mess conquered by then)
    2. Girls on trees is a very special and poetic image
    3. I love the colours of your new yarns-such a delight-
    4. I am glad the nursing homes will give you no problems in the future...good planning girl!
    5. I love your experimentations- and the G- person is a very-lucky G-person!

  10. Very funky brooches Kylie....going for a look around in your lovely blog now! Happy Thursday. BTW, if I can master scones then ANYONE can, believe me :)Love Anita. x

  11. They look great. I love the way you have photographed them too!

  12. What the? You can sew through balsa wood? Who knew! They look very excellent Kylie. Oh and I think I know who the G person is but I am also happy to go by the name of Gel if that suits you? ;)

  13. How exciting to be experimenting and venturing into the unknown! Good luck on your journey. I am sure you will arrive at your destination with lots of stories and something amzing to show!

  14. What exciting creative ideas. I really like the letter keyring. Congrats on the granny square too!

  15. they are looking great kylie. i had no idea you could stitch wood either!
    cool G :)

  16. Hey I'm-a-loving that G. Your space looks fantastic this week.

  17. The G is pretty darn awesome! And your brooches - wow. So beautiful AND clever!

  18. I have no idea how to sew through balsa but I hope you find an answer because it's looking great so far. Love the keyring too - cute PS Will get back to you asap about my measurements :-)x

  19. Hmmm, G is not for Lucy... someone cluttery perhaps?! I love the experiments with the brooches, look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  20. These are just beautiful! WOW! THey really are stunning.

  21. G... G... it's a familiar letter... could it be????? You tease!
    I was wondering what had happened to these stitched prints, I'm glad they're becoming brooches too. Look forward to seeing how it goes with the balsa wood - what a great idea.

  22. I'd consider changing my time to Gania??? Seriously Kylie, all this experimentary has looked lovely from the first - good luck on the Balsa!

  23. Thanks Kylie I will try fabric paint for extra depth. RE Balsa you could try lacquer or diluted pva? I have never tried it but David has worked with wood a bit and they were his suggestions :-) Brooches are coming along beautifully and awesome that you have started crochet.

  24. Love the fabric and wood idea, really striking and unusual.

  25. Sounds like a carpenter'd be your man on the advice front, they should know just how far the material could be pushed. All the best with your gorgeous experimenting.

  26. Sounds like a carpenter'd be your man on the advice front, they should know just how far the material could be pushed. All the best with your gorgeous experimenting.

  27. I know, I know. It's 'G' for MissyP! Miss PiGGy. See? Non? Pht! Must be G for Clutterpunk I'd reckon then. But there's no G in Clutterpunk - can you not spell??

  28. kellie, you just get better and better. I love seeing these projects...

  29. oh how i love the materials used to make this art!

  30. The brooches look great - I really like the "G" keyring too. Great style!
