Monday, July 13, 2009

Inspiration: Gésine Hackenberg

I've been very inspired lately by unexpected combinations, so you can imagine my delight when I came across this one! Gésine Hackenberg fashions this amazing jewellery from china plates. As you can see, the plate itself is part of the artwork... Actually, I'm not sure if they are sold this way, but now that I've seen them together - the jewellery and its origins - I wouldn't want them separated, would you?! Hackenberg's artist statement has a beautiful inclusion about the precious objects in our lives that may not necessarily be valuable and yet we value them for a myriad of reasons. This is how she conceived the idea of making jewellery (what we see as precious) made out of things of personal significance. Visit Gésine Hackenberg's website to see more of her work. I found her via Blanket.


  1. jewellery from china plates? Wow, amazing! I agree, it looks so nice when the jewellery and origins are presented together.

  2. P.S. there's an award waiting for you at my blog :)

  3. To be honest Kylie, yes they are nice together, and yes I can get by with no frills but I WANT these earrings...They are lovely, and the ring too...and I can't go around carrying a plate too now can I? just kidding,... but I still want the earrings...
    And Kylie, many thanks for your warm and thoughtful comments on my blog-
    Have a great day,
    Annamaria xx

  4. Nope. There is no way you could have one without the other - and I would be most chuffed to walk around holding my plate!

  5. I think I even saw these in a shop in Belgium. Can't remember though if it was by the same artist! Very cool! :)
