Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Stash: Fabric #1

Back for more Sunday Stashing and I'm finally doing a fabric stash! This is a thrifting find from ages ago - it's a dress that I'm in the process of unpicking for redesign, but I have had it in the to-do pile for a bit now ;) I just love this fabric which of course makes it all the harder to cut, in case I mess it. So, still in the admiring stash pile :)
Find more Sunday Stashes here and the Flickr Set for Stashes is here.


  1. I love the birds and butterflys amongst the flowers. Gorgeous print.

  2. The fabric is beautiful. I like the idea of an admiring stash pile - I have one of those!

  3. It's beautiful! What are you thinking of making with it? :)

  4. Beautiful material, so wish it was mine!

  5. I really like the color combo which is funny because I'm constantly on the lookout for a red print (not too big, not too small) with a bit of a dark, fine pattern underneath. This is very very nice...
