Monday, June 22, 2009

Crochet Week: (Monday) Resurrection Fern

When I said I was learning to crochet "soon" there actually is no set time to that quest... So, to get myself motivated, I've decided to have a week of crochet posts. I'll be featuring artists and artisans who inspire me. No exhaustive research has been done to compile any sort of list I'm afraid – it's just work that I've stumbled upon and loved...

First up, Resurrection Fern. As much as I love the minute detailing of crochet (structure + discipline!) I also love the chaotic anarchy that can be achieved with it as well. Margie Oomen of Resurrection Fern seems to embrace both styles in her work. Nature plays a big part in inspiring her, with a lot of her work being crochet-covered sea stones. She actually sees her arts practice as a way of motivating people to get out there and be inspired by nature themselves; to appreciate just what we have that is worth saving. Her favourite quote is a Frank Lloyd Wright one... "Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." 
Visit Resurrection Fern Blog or Etsy Store to read more about Margie's process and works, or view her Flickr set. I first found her via Working Title.


  1. Very gorgeous crochet work...the 3rd picture is my favourite.

  2. That work is amazing! I do love a bit of crochet myself so I will be popping to see what else you find to show.

  3. What beautiful things you've found. Although I crochet I would never have thought of crocheting over a stone! Will definitely be popping over to see her other work. x

  4. the creative mind is a wonderful thing. it would never occur to me to crochet lace over a stone.

  5. Thanks for your great comments! It's amazing, isn't it? Funny how it's often the simplest ideas that are the most powerful. Hope you have a go and show us! K

  6. Her stuff is fabulous, huh? And the artist with all the crochet on, well EVERYTHING, is just phenomenal!

  7. Kylie, your crochet posts have been so visually enjoyable - isn't it all just amazing?! I'm making the most of my last hour on the net...catch you next week :-)
