Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Crochet Week: (Tuesday) Arielle de Pinto

Now this is what I call creative anarchy – the divine crochet jewellery of Arielle de Pinto! The first time I saw these I knew I had to learn how to do it. Visions of anarchic crochet on my brooches filled my head! I wonder if that's how it is for everyone? You see something you like; a skill you admire, and after devouring it with your eyes all you can see is how you would do it your own way...? ;) Hmm, anyway, back to Arielle...
The reason these pieces are so breathtaking is that they have  such a raw, strong presence and yet are incredibly delicate and fine. These hand-crocheted pieces are made from sterling silver and vermeil metal. [French word originally for silver gilt but now means a combination of sterling silver, gold and other metals!]. The incredible colour variations are achieved through experimental oxidation techniques. You can find her exquisite work here. I found her via here.


  1. Now this is seriously beautiful! I saw some metal weave wool at the Sydney Craft Show the other week that looks like this stuff. The possibilities for creation are endless. Thanks for putting my Folded book in your sidebar too BTW, i saw that this morning and was rather excited! And thank you for all your LOVLEY comments on my blog

  2. So lovely and unique! I also have to tell you thanks for your much-looked-forward-to comments- Because of the time difference, I see your comments with my breakfast coffee- A treat to start the day with!

  3. Oh how lovely! Thanks for that, Caramela - you've made my day now!
    Thanks everyone for the lovely comments - I love reading them :) K
