Sometimes you know you have to do things, finish things... but it just doesn't
happen for a long time. Alisa mentioned having a month of finishing (MOF) a
couple of weeks ago and I decided it was long overdue for me too.
Do you remember this skirt? It's from way back in January. A crochet hexagon
make-it-up-as-you-go-along kind of skirt.
Of course, the problem with those kind of craftings is that they so often go
wrong. It's been sitting in my craft room for months now... ever since I realised
that my improvised waistband had made it about two sizes too big....
The original idea was to draw it together with some braid... but there's only so far you
can draw crocheted hexagons and the clumpy look was not good.
Then I decided my clumpy waistband would actually look quite sweet
as the hem edging... so I flipped it around.
I remembered the amazing shirred fabric I bought on my trip to Chicago
(It was love at first sight. I knew it would come in handy!) ... and so it has :)
I cut off a strip less than the skirt width (winging it again) and sewed it to the
now-top of the skirt. There was a cheat factor here, though – I didn't have
any more of the yarn, so instead of crocheting half-hexes to make a straight
edge, I sewed along and cut off half of every second hex ;)
One finished crochet hexagon skirt with shirred fabric waistband :)
I can't believe how it all seemed to come together this time... serendipity.
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