I haven't spoken much about the silversmithing projects I've been working on. I thought if I finished it and then showed the process etc it would be more interesting... but I've come up against a problem. This little thing above is a tiny 3mm bit of tubing... I have about 30 of them and I've been trying to work out a way of soldering them together.
I haven't come to the difficulties of soldering yet actually, I just need to figure out a way to hold them in place so that I can solder them! I've tried placing them on blu tac and then pouring plaster over them to hold them in place, but there must have been some kind of chemical reaction between the blu tac and the plaster because it didn't grab.

Is there a good egg out there who knows how I can get these cylinders to hold together so I can solder them? Any suggestions gratefully received :)