I love trees... all kinds of trees. Wherever I go I see trees that I just have to take photos of... they just bring me so much joy. No surprises then that these interior photos via remodelista caught my attention and had me dreamily positioning myself in the spaces. I think the birch one is my favourite :) What's your favourite tree?
This is so inspiring! I will now think about what my favourite tree is!
These photos are so inspiring. Makes me want to start reorganizing...We have lots of driftwood around the house and a huge branch which Mr B recovered from a river stands proudly in our bedroom.
I don't think I have a favourite but we have a mini olive grove so I guess olive trees. I have branches and olives in the house al year round.
We are a bit tree obsessed. We plant thousand here every year but we haven't got an inside tree. After looking at those gorgeous pictures I think I want an inside tree.
I love that round light fitting. Perfect for that lovely bright, open space.
Oh and I'm a big fan of English Oaks and Cherry trees!
Thanks for sharing, great photos, the second is my favorite. Inspirational. :)
I also LOVE trees. I even made a shirt about it.
This is right up my alley. Thank you!
lovely concept ~ they really add to the feel of the rooms. would live in any of these rooms, happily!
wow ~ re you colouring your hair blonde, what a big change! will be curious to see it if you go ahead :)
I love that you love trees. Through my artist eyes I've always thought they are amazing, just popping up out of the ground as they do, but I now see them as potential houseguests. Thanks for that!
the last one...definitely....i want to sit there right now with some fun interesting girls, lots of iced tea and maybe a stitch or two:)
I so badly want that bedroom.... (first photo). It's perfect... pretty much! :)
me too...red maples ...oaks but I am with you these indoor make my heart sing...
I'm a lover of all trees....now thanks to you I want one in my house.
i'd love to have one growing through my house so i could have an inhouse-treehouse (without spiders)
Funny how I had trees on my mind too lately! I love the birch tree as well! What wonderful pictures too!
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