Monday, April 23, 2012

Spell it out...

F...I...N...I...S...H...E...D !!!

Chevron cushions are done, that means the whole order is done...

I'm delivering them today...

... and then I won't know what to do with myself ;)

Hope you have a great day too :)


  1. Have fun discovering your next project! I'm sure you'll think of something! ;)

  2. fantastic!! they look gorgeous.
    i bet you have a heap of things waiting for you to get into now )

  3. I just can't imagine how much work went into those but I'm imagining MOUNTAINS of time. You have yourself a little party, sweetie!

  4. Hooray! Congratulations! They look fabulous. Quick, fit in a bit of crafting for yourself before you begin on the orders that I am sure will come from these cushions!! xx

  5. WOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! they are amazing !!! So are YOU!!! xo

  6. Yahooooooooo!!! Well done Kylie, they look magnificent. I hope you had a lovely leisurely day today and enjoyed the reduced level of deadline stress. Make the most of it because it won't before they'll be wanting more!

  7. Amazing! But what to do next?
    Sit back with a ice cold gin and tonic while you think about it.

  8. You might have to focus on circles for a couple of days so you don't get tired of chevrons!! They look awesome I am sure the receiver is going to be very happy with them!

  9. nice feeling to have finished something! you sure will come up with lots of new ideas! but first: relax!

  10. Hello Kylie, I am impressed!!! Good job, girl, they look magnificent.

  11. They look fab Kylie and I know from my own treasured Kylie cushion that they are beautifully made too.
    Pat on the back!

  12. Hooray! Well done. Now go relax for a bit!

  13. More chevron? Only joking! :^)
    Well done, enjoy the satysfaction of a completed work. x

  14. Kylie. .... They are amazing! :)

  15. These cushions look so yummy! You definitely have a knack for picking gorgeous colours! :D
