Saturday, April 21, 2012

Last night

We went to see the HooDoo Gurus at The Tivoli last night and they were 
amazing - great energy and plenty of take-me-back memories. 
But the real treat (for me anyway!) was discovering the 5678s...

You might know them from Kill Bill where they sing Woo Hoo..?

If you want to see them, I think there are still tickets for the Sydney 
and Melbourne concerts :)

(This is the first time I've downloaded a video from my iPhone!)


  1. Good to hear what they are like live. My partner has their CD - mad!!

  2. bet the 5678s were amazing...thought they were incredible in Kill Bill...what a treat indeed!!

  3. haven't heard them for a long time,, must get the dust covered cd out again!
