Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our Creative Spaces: Finishing cushions

I'm playing along with the Our Creative Spaces meme again this week. 
To sign up or see other spaces visit here.

In my space this week, I've been finishing the ripple cushions. Actually, 
I'm a bit stressed at the moment because my machine is playing up... I take
my foot off the pedal and it won't stop  :( 

I'm investigating solutions... Meanwhile, this is literally my space...

I really like details and finishing touches that have a practical application 
but also work aesthetically. Linen tape, found here, binds the cushion seams
to shape and looks pretty cool too I think ;)

Hope you've had a wonderfully creative week ... and sewing machines that 
work well for you!


  1. Wow..that looks like a whole lot of cushions! Lovely colours too.

  2. The linen tape is a great idea! (And I love linen anything.) Now, get back to work! ;)

  3. You are busy with your cushions. A sewing machine that has a mind of its own? I hope you find the problem soon. Thanks for the link to the linen tape, great shop.

  4. Sounds like you need to pull your pedal apart. That has happened to me before. Sometimes they get stuck inside. I'd pull it apart, clean out any dust and put it back together again and you might find it works properly. Have you got the manual? Fingers crossed!

  5. oh no, Kylie, i hope you get your pedal sorted out. Does your machine have an override to not use the foot pedal but a button on the machine?

    Loving the pile of cushions and also am a big fan of things that are pretty having a purpose too ;-)

  6. Sewing machines are a cruel mistress, I hope yours is fixed soon! Love the "our creative spaces" link, hope to join in next Thursday, looks like fun!

  7. Hello busy lady with the ripple curshions:) The linen tape is new to me and it looks like a good idea. Hope your machine will be in a better mood by now?! Wish you luck!

  8. It only takes a tiny problem to make a sewing machine not work properly! What a pain. I hope you get things sorted out with all that sewing to do.xxJ

  9. What lovely ripples... hope you get your machine fixed soon :)

  10. I love those cushions. I have a soft spot for any chevron like patterns. They colours are great too.

    Hope you can figure out what is wrong with your machine soon.

  11. Sometimes when a big job is going smoothly I just know I'm going to reach a technical impasse within moments of the end...It's Murphy's Law I believe!!!

  12. Kylie, i absolutely LOVE the ripple effect here and the amazing blanket you made is so rad too!!! reminds me of chevron-ish patterns, truly ace developments going on here. you're just uber creative and have such talent and foresight. i sure do hope your sewing machine gets itself in check ; ) i can just imagine your face when it practically runs off the rails. yipes! ♥
