Friday, March 9, 2012

hello 45 :)

Another year, another number... I really like being in my 40s... 
they're going quickly though! Halfway to 90 people ;)

I'm off to lunch today with my mum, aunty and sister.
Hope you have a great day too! x


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Kylie!! I hope you have the best day! xi

  2. Oh, 45 - how awesome :) Warm wishes Kyile, and Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday, hope it's lovely. x

  4. A very happy one Kylie - yeah, it's all flying by fast now isn't it? Thats the only thng I don't like. Savour it all!
    love Jo.

  5. yes, a great number! happy birthday kylie!
    have a great day, hopefully with champagne included xx

  6. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!

  7. Happy, happy birthday Kylie! I like your attitude!

  8. Happy birthday Kylie, keep up the creative awesomeness!! :D x

  9. Happy Birthday Kylie!!!
    I hope you had a gorgeous birthday lunch!XXXJ

  10. Happy Birthday Kylie!
    45, huh, you're not even half way yet!!!

  11. Whoohoo! *throws Kylie in the air*
    Happy birthday, sweet! :)

  12. All the best on your special day!

  13. Happy happy Birthday.
    Have the most fantastic of days.
    I agree with you most whole heartily, the 40's are fantastic.
    But moving a little too quickly.

  14. Happy Birthday Kylie!! Have a fantastic day and great lunch and enjoy being 45...I hit 47 this week and feels a little close to 5-0 for comfort...

  15. happy birthday kylie! glad to know the 40s are fun. i'm only a year and a half away. yikes! x

  16. happy birthday Kylie!! hope you had a wonderful day with your family :)

    by the way, that first picture was taken at my sister, I was a bit neglectful not to mention it, sorry :(

  17. yahhhhhhhh, happy birthday wine glass rides again! many happy wishes Kylie, i know it'll be an awesome year for you - i'm almost there make it all look so good!!! love the interstate images for this post. really cool graphics.

    i haven't been the best bean about dropping in a commenting lately. it's good to have some time today and say hi, specially with all that's going on for you. hope the lunch with your Mum and fams was wonderful. xo ♥

  18. Happy happy half 90!!! Woo Hoo! I will be celebrating half 90 this year too... the 40's are going way too quickly for me!

    Hope you have had a great day :)
