Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cost Price Sale!

I'm having a cost price sale on my cushions... Have a peek at my Etsy Shop.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Our Creative Spaces: Finished Ripple Blanket

It feels like ages since I've joined in with the Our Creative Spaces meme. 
Visit here to see more spaces or to sign up yourself.

So, in my space this year has been a massive order for 16 ripple cushions 
(front panels finished but not made up into actual cushions yet)... 4 crazy 
chevron cushions (only 1 panel made up with plans to re-design the pattern 
and start again)... and a ripple blanket (finished!).

I love how it's got a lovely bumpy form to suit the pattern.

The yarn is Biggan Design and the ripple pattern is Lucy's.

It's so nice to have something finished :) Must get back to finishing the rest of 
the order now. Hope you've had a productive week? Happy creative space day!

I've crocheted some matching bunting to go with the blanket...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Crazy Chevron fail

I've been absent again I'm sorry...
Things have not been going well with the crazy chevron.
To begin with, it took me a week just to complete one front panel...

lots of tiny triangles... 
but worse, the finished result is not as I'd envisaged it.
I think it looks more like a football jersey than a chevron ;)

I feel certain the buyer is not going to like it so I've done up a new pattern.

I plan to finish off the making up of the ripple cushions and the ripple blanket
and then I'll crochet the new chevron pattern for the buyer to choose which 
one she likes.

I know it sounds silly but I'd really like her to be happy with this order.

In the meantime, I've been working on the ripple blanket this week... and it's 
made me feel a whole lot happier :)

Hope you've had a good week.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy hearting

Happy Valentine's Day!

Found these lovelies here.

Friday, February 10, 2012


My big girl came home with her year 10 English assignment the other day... 
she has to write a personal reflection on what it is to be Australian and do a 
presentation. It was a difficult concept for her because she said she doesn't 
feel Australian; she doesn't identify with any of the generalisations with 
which we are constantly bombarded. 

I couldn't think of a thing to say... I don't feel Australian either. We talked 
about the nature of identity and how it can be formed in many different ways. 
I made a flippant comment: The only time I feel Australian is when I'm overseas!

And then I came across this image....

My Home is the Sea by Matt Wisniewski

It vividly reminded me of when we used to live in London and how I longed 
to see the sea. The Mr and I would hire a car and drive to Brighton or 
Ilfracombe in North Devon and just gaze at it for ages, taking in our fill. This, 
then, reminded me of how I also used to long to smell freshly cut grass... 
weird I know ;)

Anyway, in the way of meandering thought processes.... it all made me realise 
that I am very Australian, inside me, at some integral spot... I really need vast 
spaces every so often to feel at ease, and for me that is symbolised by the sea. 
I'm guessing because I spent so much of my childhood at the beach. Also, the 
smell of freshly cut grass is symbolic of our outdoors way of living here. Again 
from childhood, it's warm summer days spent playing outside.

Of course, my big girl can't use my reflections but I'm hoping this will help her 
come up with something meaningful for herself.

How about you? Do you feel Australian, or wherever you're from? Do you feel 
connected to where you were born or can you only see these connections when 
you're far away from there? I'd love to hear what you think :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Crazy Chevron in progress

The ripple cushions are all crocheted - yah! Now I just have four more cushions 
to crochet in a different pattern... this one I call Crazy Chevron.

Based on my original triangle patterns, this one combines different sized 
triangles to form a large chevron pattern. The cushions will be 50x50cms to
give you an idea of its size and scale.

The yarn is an Australian made first cross merino from Biggan Design in 
Lime and Dark Turquoise.

Thanks so much for your wonderful encouragement on my last post. 
Have a lovely week!