Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cost Price Sale!

I'm having a cost price sale on my cushions... Have a peek at my Etsy Shop.


  1. Yikes, don't tempt me! On tight budget!!! Bet they'll be snapped up in minutes but I'll go check anyway...
    Thanks for your lovely comment and yes, sending good vibes your way too and hoping laughter is around when you need it!

  2. There are eight cushions in my living room and I spend a good part of every day piling them back on to the sofa and retrieving them from abandoned cubby houses, while the Mr, who is not a big cushion fan rolls his eyes. I bet they're going like HOT CAKES! To appreciative, respectful homes that are not one giant cubby house.

  3. Your choices in colors and color combining skills are marvelous.
