Sunday, February 19, 2012

Crazy Chevron fail

I've been absent again I'm sorry...
Things have not been going well with the crazy chevron.
To begin with, it took me a week just to complete one front panel...

lots of tiny triangles... 
but worse, the finished result is not as I'd envisaged it.
I think it looks more like a football jersey than a chevron ;)

I feel certain the buyer is not going to like it so I've done up a new pattern.

I plan to finish off the making up of the ripple cushions and the ripple blanket
and then I'll crochet the new chevron pattern for the buyer to choose which 
one she likes.

I know it sounds silly but I'd really like her to be happy with this order.

In the meantime, I've been working on the ripple blanket this week... and it's 
made me feel a whole lot happier :)

Hope you've had a good week.


  1. oh ripple blanket is divine! and i think the chevron is totally chevron. maybe you are too close to it, but i think it rocks! x

  2. Fail? what fail? I think you've gone crazy chevron.
    I cant see any chevron fail.

  3. Kylie, I agree with the other. Off course you like the client to be happy with your work, but you did not fail in any aspect. Everything looks divine, really it does!

  4. i think you will be giving your customer a choice of fab or fab and she is very lucky! Am loving your ripple blanket too...just divine x

  5. I suspect that the chevron is probably going to look more chevron-ish and more to your liking once the back is sewn on and it's all together. That's just one opinion, though. :)

    The ripple blanket--so amazingly gorgeous!

  6. I'm with Jess, no failure there! Loving your ripple blanket, the colours are gorgeous. I started one a little while ago for my boys and not long in I decided I didn't like the colours anymore, but perhaps I should persevere, they always look fabulous in the end!

  7. Step away from the chevron. Do another handstand. (You'll notice things look similar even from upside down). But do you see? No fail. Just win win! SERIOUSLY.

    And as for that ripple blanket...

  8. Told you so ;-)
    I'm not the only one who thinks the chevron's fab.
    Like the new version too.
    And love that ripple blanket!

  9. Love the ripple blanket! What a lovely rainbow to cuddle under!

  10. gorgeous ripple blanket! and the chevrons both look great :)

  11. what are you talking about???? love the chevron. and i love the ripple blanket. absolutely gorgeous! x

  12. it's all looking pretty spectacular to me!! love the blanket xx
