Monday, July 18, 2011

Premature Celebrations :)

I know I should wait for My Creative Space day, but I just can't - I'm so excited that I've actually made the crochet triangle panels into proper cushions :))

Sorry about the quality of the photos (further example of me just jumping in and posting!)...

After a visit to Ikea, where I was thoroughly disenchanted with the quality of cushions, I decided to make my own and just jumped into sewing the backing on the panels as well.

The two below are pre-sold so I had that impetus to finish them too.
The backing is actually a plain linen (apologies for the weirding of the weave).

It's been fun going through my button collection looking for the perfect set of buttons for each one. The buttons I used on the cushion above are by Laura Walker which I found at the V&A Museum in London a couple of years ago... so pleased they've found their perfect place :)

I'm still working away at finishing the rest and will hopefully have them in my shop by Thursday or Friday. Isn't it funny how some weeks you just faff about at high speed producing little and then all of a sudden you are powering away..? 

Hope it's been a powerful start to the week for you too :)


  1. Gasp. GOTTA. HAVE. ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    these are amazing, like really!

    xo em

  2. Very cool. You've finished these to great effect!

  3. They look fantasti! Job well done!

  4. That new one with the single tan triangle is clearly the greatest thing ever. WANT!! :)

  5. You are so amazing with colour. I would never think to pout colours together like you do, it always looks amazing.

  6. They are just wonderful! I so understand what you mean about Ikea's cushions not being up-to-scratch with either construction or in my humble opinion design at the moment!! Love your wqork...:)

  7. love them. such great colour combinations. in my humble opinion ikea is the devils own shop and should be avoided at all times. not that easy though as its just so convenient!

  8. Woo hoo... Congratulations... I don't blame you for posting early... they look fantastic :) It always feel so good when you finally finish things hey!!

  9. Feels great to finish off projects doesn't it? They look fab, Kylie! :)

  10. Kylie, these are BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely love them. I think you are going to be very busy fulfilling orders of these x

  11. Drool....! I think you are really onto something with those. (I want one too!)

  12. WAW, congrats they are so fantastic! I really really love them! Oh I want one too! :) My fav is the one with many white triangles.
    BRAVO! :)

  13. totally get the excitement!! congrats on getting to this stage ~ they look perfect. love the buttons and the fabric you chose to go with! yay!!

  14. Kylie I can barely breath. These are absolutely beyond the beyond. And what you've done to the reverse sides just leaves me speechless. The details, MY GOD. These are so so special. I'm over the moon with these gorgeous triangle lovelies. Think I will have to buy a charcoal couch for them now because they look stunning on that colour.

    Thank you for finishing them so quickly too. You are truly amazing. I am in heaven. And they haven't even arrived home yet. Xxxxxx

  15. I love these cushions so much, they are so funky! Linen always does that to me when I take photos of it too!

  16. oh my gosh Kylie, i would die for these in our home! you've done a brilliant job friend....the pattern & buttons are too awesome!! no wonder you got excited to post them up asap...fabulous indeed! ♥

  17. How fantastic!! These are truly awesome - whimsical and modern and so you! No wonder you got excited.
    I also chuckled in realizing that you must have conquered buttonholes.

  18. Hooray!! I love that feeling.
    They are brilliant Kylie!
    I love them so much.
    May you continue on your crafty high for weeks and months to come. xx
    ps I love that you had to post them you were so excited about them too.

  19. Gosh! They look gorgeous!
    Congrats for it!

  20. there a so so cool.
    hmm maybe some next project...

  21. They are so beautiful Kylie, and just love your excitement about their completion too - such a great feeling isn't it?!

    have a great day! x K

  22. Absolutely beautiful, Kylie! Love, love, love - the colours and design GORGEOUS x

  23. Love these cushions too - excellent!

  24. they are perfection.
    crochet (totally outside my skillset) PERFECT 10/10
    backing, perfect 10/10
    buttons MOre than perfect 11
    Use of the word 'weirding': SUPER!!!

    Thanks for sharing and glad i am not the only premature showerofferer.

  25. They look bloody sensational K!

  26. They are really BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE it!

  27. I LOVE everything:) Your cushions are splendid! Good job:)

  28. like the one with the black! nice!
