Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cushions in Shop

My Creative Space this week is actually having finished making up my triangle 
crochet cushions and listing them in my shop :) 

It feels like ages since I've been this productive.

I've even sorted out packaging and have been planning more designs.

As always, I was totally at a loss as to what price to put on the cushions... 
it's so hard with handmade, isn't it?

If you have time, take a peek at my shop... I'd love some feedback :)

More creative spaces (hosted by the lovely Kirsty) right here.


  1. Its so hard to price isn't it?!
    So much time and thought has gone into these - so i think your prices reflect this. Also the fact that they are your original one of a kind designs, makes a huge difference when pricing i think.
    Beautiful Kylie!xx

  2. How very exciting for you! They look fabulous and I agree with Jennie, I think the prices are spot on. I'm not sure what it is about triangle love(!) - you've certainly made them your own and the linen and special buttons make them all the more lovely. Big congrats. xx

  3. Pretty much everyone who reads this blog makes stuff. so we all have some understanding of how long these would have taken you. I applaud you pricing what they are really worth! beautiful colour. lovely!

  4. i agree with what's already been said here ~ these are just beautiful. so much effort and gorgeous materials make your pricing really reasonable.
    i want one!

  5. Congratulations Kylie! How exciting to see these beauties in your store. They are so well made and the colours and designs are so you. I agree with everyone else about the pricing. I want one too! :)

  6. Exciting! They look so fantastic all piled up together.

  7. I think they are gorgeous! It is really hard to price handmade.. especially because so much work and time goes into every peice... I agree with everyone else about the prices but I'm sure they are worth a lot lot more :)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hi..they're the colour combinations and the textures and shapes!

  10. They look AWESOME!!! I popped over to your shop, good price as they are individually made & include the stuffing - cool! Especially love the green & grey abstract colours!

  11. Kylie i feel quite ashamed as i never got round to commenting on the finished pillows earlier in the week.
    I absolutely love them, they are stunning and it must be exciting to put them in your shop.
    Having watch you work and play with them over the weeks I think your pricing is very fair as much work and thought has gone into them. Pricing is ssooo hard isn't it, it's one of those things that stumps me every time xo

  12. WOW!! Congratulations Kylie! (Wild Applause!) How exciting. It all looks great, shop, cushions, packaging… Brilliant! Love the neutrals with a pop of colour, it's going to go great guns. : )

  13. Anyone who appreciates handmade are willing to pay for that because they do know how much time it takes to make each item and each item is one of a kind too. Saying that, I do find it hard to price handmade items myself too. Beautiful cushions by the way.

  14. WOW! Special, your stitches are so neat!

  15. That age old problem of pricing handmade pieces. I think you have it spot on however...if I am doing my converting correctly ;-)...not too OTT as to be ridiculous, but enough to cover time and give them the value they deserve. They are gorgeous, Kylie and am sure will be snapped up x

  16. The finished cushions are just beautiful! I took a look at your shop and it looks great!
    I think the pricing is perfect! It is soo hard to price handmade, but you mustn't undervalue your work.

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  17. Your pillows are amazing! It's nice to read that you're so creative and productive... keep up the good work! :)
    Oh and I love Norwegian wood... have fun with it!*

  18. Lovely cushions. great colours too.

  19. These are soooo gorgeous - I absolutely love those triangles!

  20. The finished cushions look great!

  21. Bravo Kylie.
    It seems like you've found your thing... You've always seemed to be highly productive. But now that you are zipping along in your zone, maybe it now just feels right! Congrats! Your shop looks great.

  22. they are gorgeous kylie and your shop looks great. pricing is tricky but i think that crafters almost always undersell themselves, your cushions are worth every cent to anyone who knows the amount of work involved.
    good luck

  23. How fabulous are your cushions. Love the triangles. I think it is really tricky with pricing, that is why I am put off with selling items. So good one ya for just going for it..

  24. Pricing is so difficult! As a freelancer/creator, putting a price on creativity is almost impossible. Love your pillows.

  25. How fabulous it all looks! Congrats!I adore the packaging too, and particularly the card. Contemporary, elegant, beautiful design!
    Wish you all the best with everything new in the store. Pricing is a pain, yep,yep,yep. I think there should be 'pricing consultants' out there. I certainly would love to hire one!XX

  26. oh how i love the tumble down of those pillows, they really are so rad Kylie! your shop looks great too, well done on all counts. mad amounts of props to you on creating these and all the other fabulous pieces made with your ever moving hands! happy weekend. ♥

  27. good luck with the shop Kylie!
    your cushions look gorgeous.

  28. awww, loving these cushions and yay for the shop being open again!

  29. They really look fantastic Kylie. The coral/olive is my favourite.

  30. Nice one guy! We might try to work a reference to this one into a blog post about where to buy cushions next week.
