Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our Creative Spaces - Triangles (Again)

More triangle cushions, this time inspired by the Nani Marquina Digit Rugs. Some lessons learned about representing pixelisation too... it really doesn't work unless you're using tiny squares ;)

The first one took forever, playing around with placement. I ended up having one of each colour in the rug (it didn't really work but I like the rainbow freshness of it). For the second I took the main colours and tried to show the gradation.

I found a cork board and have been pinning my completed triangles there to get a better sense of what I have and possibilities for colour combination.

This triangle thing is going to go on for a while I think. Visit the Our Creative Spaces sign up page to see more varied wares ;) Thanks to Kirsty for making it all possible.


  1. Pixelated or no, I love 'em all.

    You do realise, that if anyone ever designed you a logo, there would have to be a triangle involved?

  2. Wow Kylie - these are amazing.
    I love the purple to pink best.
    Its alot to think about - how to
    place them!x

  3. Love the colourways, and still loving the triangles!

  4. the triangles are so cool. especially love the cork board layout. also love your mod crochet from the last post.
    thanks for your comment :)
    oh, finally got hold of 'the summer without men', can't wait for some reading time!!

  5. I never tire of these triangles so keep going with them as long as you want Kylie.
    loving seeing the process shots too. ( the one on the board looks fabulous)

  6. I'm liking the corkboard setup too. Not bored at all here!

  7. i do so love your triangles, the colour and textures look great together

  8. Love love love!
    They look fantastic & the colours are great.
    Have an awesome week.

  9. They are looking gorgeous! I dont mind seeing them again!

  10. I love seeing how your triangles are progressing!! Love the colours you are using I think they both look great! Very cool idea using a cork board! :)

  11. oh i am loving your triangular creative spaces at the moment! nice colours too.

    thanks for your comment on my blog. i love that fabric too. its an off-cut i picked up 4 years ago at a japanese store in richmond, victoria — ziguzagu. i must go back one day soon!

    x evie

  12. I've been missing out on so much while being internet-less! Should be getting my new laptop next week. Hooray!

    Those triangles are looking wonderful and so neat. I can't wait to watch their progress.


  13. Very clever. I'd be happy just playing with them like a jigsaw puzzle.

  14. I love it all!
    I love the way the triangles fit together to make bigger shapes, the way the colour placement affects the greater pictre and the wooly texture.
    Gorgeous space.

  15. What can I say???? I love these so much. The one at top has the perfect colours, triangles soooo cool. Can't wait to see them as cushions.
    PS Thanks Kylie for comments on my brooch!

  16. love the triangles. super modern! <3

  17. You've been so busy since I last popped by (forgive me!). Loving the triangle cushions and Nani Marquina's Digit Rugs are a brilliant inspiration (would love one of your cushions and one of her rugs!!)

  18. oops... correction.. Cristian Zuzunaga's rugs!

  19. Oh, amazing! I just finished a cushion of squares knitted like this, but triangles are so much more fun! Very inspiring :)

    Astrid x

  20. Ooowwww they look fab, love all the colors :) Thank you for your lovely comment the other day, sorry it's taken me an age to get back (new baby and all!) Take care, Sarah

  21. This ca,e out so well! Please PLEEEEASE can you tell me how you joined the triangles so neatly.I have all these triangles and no idea how to join them :(
    Thanks, Tara:)

  22. Hi Tara - thanks for your comment.

    I sell a pattern on my Etsy store where I explain how to make this cushion, including how to join the triangles. You can find it here:

    Thanks :)
