Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mish mash

This is my mish mash for June. 

I'm loving the molecular unit I bought on Etsy from CathodeBlue.

I'm thinking of my friend Sally who made this button circle for me 
and wondering when I'm going to make the effort and ring her.

I want to start screenprinting and blockprinting again but 
I just can't tear myself away from crochet.

I'm loving having flowers in the house :)

I'm thinking of my dad and how this little boy would have been 78 this month.

I'm loving that the Mr and my Little One love their guitars and that they have marmalade sessions together... you know, not quite as good as jam? ;)

Oh yes, and I've been obsessed with triangles this month.

Hope it's a lovely weekend for all :)

Inspiration for mishmash from the original misher-masher, Renilde :)


  1. I've got some molecules from cathode blue too!

  2. Marmalade sessions..hysterical! That molecule is so cool and atomic era. Loving also the orange pink with the yellow. Much enjoyed this post :)

  3. This is the most beautiful post.

  4. I love your obsessions with triangles and everything else too. That button circle is divine.
    Btw, I have a collar post coming up. I bought a beaded and lace collar at the Jean Paul Gaultier show. It was made by one of the artisans in his atelier.

  5. Lovin' the mish mash and marmalading...
