Saturday, June 4, 2011

I ❤ Chicago + NYC

Hello again... back from my travels to Chicago and New York too (excitement!) Still feeling a bit woozy but I thought I'd pop up and say hi before I drop :) 

Had a most wonderful time. 
Will share soon... and come around visiting soon too.


  1. Welcome home Kylie!!!
    I bet you had a brilliant time!!XX

  2. Welcome home Kylie, can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  3. Welcome home! Missed you! Can't wait to hear all about it, particularly The Big fave city in the entire world! x

  4. Dear Kylie,
    Welcome back!!! You've been missed. I cannot wait to hear all the details. Did you make it to McQueen?
    I hope that after you get some rest you'll get a chance to read my post on Glamour versus Reality. I posted and thought to myself I wished Kylie was back because I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

  5. welcome home! looks like you had a great time... and hope you get a good rest (PS love those triangles from your last post!)

  6. welcome home Kylie!!! sounds like it was the most tremendous time & i love your heart photo collage to emphasize that fact : )

    gosh, i can only imagine the amount of inspiration you had while away, i bet the ideas are swirling for new projects and designs. cheers to a restful, relaxing getting back into things on the home front. ♥
