Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Creative Space - Triangles + trips

My Creative Space this week has come out of inspiration from the amazing Mangas rugsActually, there's less creative crochet anarchy and more triangle madness going on ;)

I thought I'd warm to my subject with a bit of structure and experiment each time with some new bits of anarchy...

I found the triangle pattern on the wonderful Attic 24 Ravelry page (love Lucy) and made up my own pattern for the half triangles. I have all different colours strewn over the lounge chair and choosing the combinations has been fun :)

I plan to make quite a few and put them in my shop eventually.
So, there's going to be a lot of heavy hooking going on here.

Some international hooking even...

Soon it will be...
Greetings from Chicago!
I'm going to visit my bestie for a couple of weeks.. 
... on my own (no children!)

I have been to Chicago before with the family but this time it will be blithe spirit me with my camera and my crochet satchel :)

Many more spaces to see or to join in yourself at Our Creative Spaces.

Have a great Creative Space day and I'll see you again in a fortnight!


  1. Oh my beating heart be still...absolutely divine Kylie. I LOVE your stuff. x

  2. Oooo Love the triangle crochet... hmmm I'm inspired to give it a go :)

  3. HAVE A BRILLIANT HOLIDAY! How wonderful to go by yourself. Looking forward to living precariously through you again!

  4. How lovely! Chicago has such a great art museum. Enjoy your time away Kylie.

  5. I knew I was jealous - but you never mentioned it was a SOLO lark. Wow. Breathe it in lady, breathe it in...

  6. I always love a bit of triangle action!
    Have a great holiday Kylie :-)

  7. That is just fabulous Kylie! It must have taken ages!?

    Wow - a trip with no children!!
    So exciting - i am very envious!XX

  8. Oh Kylie, you've done it again.
    Stunning xo

  9. beautiful kylie!!
    have an excellent time away xx

  10. have the best time!!!!.....
    my absolute favorite store in chicago is robin richman....

    it's certainly pricey,but very inspiring!! i haven't been in years....but loved it when i went

    wish i were closer to chicago...would totally pop over just to say hello

    can't wait to hear all about it

  11. I was just reading over comments on my guest post from Hearted Girl the other week, and I wanted to come by and say thanks so much for leaving such a genuine comment. I love meeting other bloggers this way... you have a beautiful blog (and I love this crochet project!)

  12. Love the colour combination and the geometric pattern. It looks very 1920's Art Deco. Happy Holls

  13. wow, Kylie! 2 weeks? on your own?? I'd go anywhere on my own, let alone a trip to a wonderful city to see my bestie ;-)

    Absolutely love your triangles...will keep you amused on the long plane journey for sure ;-)

  14. your triangles are so perfect! cant get enough of looking at your color choices they are always so different and so exciting!

  15. oh yes kylie. love the colours, just perfect. have a fantastic trip. x

  16. Oh children, Kylie you are not going to know yourself! Have a wonderful time, I look forward to the pics x

  17. Looking very interesting! Swing by Pennsylvania too then, won't you? :)

  18. I am SOOOO jealous! Of the trip and the triangles!!

  19. Kylie, this new trifecta inspired pattern is awesome. great color scheme too.

    have a fab time on your trip, i've never been there so hoping for more photos to ogle at from you! counting on it in fact. cheers! ♥

  20. Lovely work Kylie-and my goodness how awesome is a solo trip to see your best friend- have the very best of times my sweet friend!!XX

  21. Hi, i have just found you and already, i envy you- child free holiday!? bliss.

    i'll follow along so i can hear all about it

    xo em

  22. oh i love chicago!!! so many nice galleries and jazz bars... have fun, you will miss (not) miss the children you know. let's go for a coffee when you get back...

  23. Oh, those triangles are gorgeous! Love it.

    Katie x
