Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Creative Space - 101ing

Playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space. Visit Kootoyoo to see more or join in.

I've been doing my own form of Crochet 101 all over again because I made a (for me) significant discovery... what I thought was a treble was actually a half treble... All this time I've been doing it wrong! ;)

My horoscope said I need to try something new, so I'm taking my discovery and applying it to 101 somethings new :)  Below is the Blackberry Salad stitch with half treble on top and proper treble underneath...

I'm trying out as many of the stitches as I can and will crochet them all together to hopefully form a kind of sampler blanket :)

Happy Creative Space day to everyone!


  1. Gorgeous Kylie, loving all the different textures and sample stitches already.
    Can't wait to see more, and also the finished blanket.
    PS I found out last year I don't crochet properly either, more to do with the holding of the hook etc.

  2. I love that you've been doing it wrong...probably I do too.

    It will probably come as no surprise to you that I like your "wrong" version of the blackberry. x

  3. Ohh, what a great plan to do the stitches like that! I should do that too - thanks for this inspirational post, Kylie! :)

  4. loving the different stitches!

  5. Good for you learning something new! I think the idea of sampler blanket of all the different stitches is a great idea!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. I like the idea of putting all the different stitched squares together! Thats a gorgeous colour and stitch.

    Where did you get that book from??
    I've started crocheting but don't really know what different stitches there are!x

  7. Oh, and I wish I could crochet, but it doesn't seem to click. I like your wrong blackberry too :-) How funny I'm making mulberries and you blackberries!

  8. Kylie that is such a great idea. I really love that you'll keep with the same colour but have different patterns through it. Enjoy your crochet.:)

  9. That is going to look fantastic - very grown up and textured and lovely. Seriously love the colour too.

  10. Oh I love it, and the colour you've chosen is beautiful!

  11. oh love, love the Jo Sharp yarn you are using.

  12. Love the different textures. The colour is gorgeous too, I love Jo Sharp yarns.

  13. sampler blanket sounds like a great idea.Love the textures already!

  14. What an amazing blog, I will come here often, so much inspiration! Thanks for visiting me.

  15. JO Sharp yarn looks gorgeous! Lovely!:-)

  16. such a great idea! i often wonder what i'd do with all the bits if i were to make some. looking forward to seeing it progress.
    love the yarn too.

  17. I too love to try new things but rarely seem to have the time to experiment. Have fun!

  18. Love the different textures and the color you have chosen! Always good to expand into new knowledge!!xx

  19. I had a similar epiphany with knitting once upon a time. Realized I was doing the knit stitch backwards on several blankets. Oh, well, they looked the same at least!

  20. Thanks for posting this! Found you via kootoyoo. I'm just looking into getting into crochet so I think my first place to start is to buy that book!
