Saturday, January 22, 2011


The Mr is home today. I don't remember the last time he had a Saturday off... so we gardened. Needless to say, I don't remember the last time we gardened either ;)

We have four rosemary bushes that are almost trees, they are so lush. Lately, they've been dying off in strange clumps within the bush, so we decided a bit of pruning was in order... This is about half of the harvest. 

The girls and I set about stripping the leaves... I plan to bag them and... well, actually I'm not sure. 
Is there a knowledgeable herb-ie out there who knows what I should do with them? Can I freeze them or should I set up a giveaway table on the street..? Any suggestions welcomed :)

p.s. I've just found this link to freezing rosemary and other herbs in case anyone's interested :)


  1. Oh I love the smell of rosemary. Makes my heart sing.

  2. Good on you! I'm hacking into the basil plants tonight and plan to make pesto to freeze.

  3. Thanks for the link, Kylie. I never know what to do with too much herbs either. It seems such a waste doesn't it?

  4. yeah - thank you for the link too. I have no idea what to do with excess herbs either. We had a mad crop of oregano recently. Love gardening... wish I had more time to do it.
