Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Creative Space - Crochet Skirt

It's my first week up and running with Kirsty's meme My Creative Space. Visit Kootoyoo to join in or see other spaces :)

Just before xmas, I saw this crochet skirt in one of Jo Sharp's pattern books and decided to have a go myself. At that time I was still totally intimidated by the crochet pattern symbols and thought I'd just 'wing it', so....

I crocheted a pile of navy hexagons in Jo Sharp's Desert Garden Aran Cotton (Nightsky) and joined them together to form a round tube. I have yet to crochet the waistband - I thought I'd do a few lines of double stitch and have a drawstring going through it. Also, I want to line the skirt in a navy stretch cotton I think... I'm not really into the breeze-through look! ;)

Happy new start to Creative Spaces :)


  1. It is beautiful! and such a brave crochet project a skirt :) - looking forward for photos of a finished skirt :)


  2. Oh Kylie, it's absolutely stunning!!! Really love it. You are just amazing! xo

  3. what fab colour choice, you you for such a ace project!

  4. insane! in a really really awesome way! magnifique!

    xB that music coming from your blog or am I mad?

  5. aaah!! it totally is! awesome.


  6. Love it! It is really gorgeous Kylie.
    I think you should make a few linings for whatever the mood you are in. A navy one, a red and white spotti one, a lacy one...

  7. love how you wing things with such brilliance! it's going to look so great when it's finished. the aran cotton is beautiful, though did u find it split while you were working?

  8. Very creative Kylie! A photo of you wearing it next...

  9. Umm that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! You are so clever!!

  10. that's gorgeous Kylie! so jealous of all you who can make things to w-e-a-r

  11. So cool, Kylie. I've always shied away from crocheted clothing, but this one I love!

  12. ha ha ha...the breeze thru look? I like it! This is stunning, Kylie, such a beautiful colour too, altho I'm not sure how something that soft would look on my lumpy hips ;-)

  13. I love Jo Sharp books. Total craft 'porn'. Your skirt looks fab.

  14. Wow-wee! That looks like a job and a half. Well done for making a go at it.
    I know what you mean about having it lined. I freak out when I realise the dress I am wearing down the street is light enough to show the colour and general outline of my undies.

  15. thank you for you blog again and than Godde you have wonderful gifts.

  16. Oh I really like this Kylie, I might have it a go for springtime! and yours is impeccable!
    About the symbols, I'm actually more intimidated by the written words, I rather read the symbols than get an headache following instructions (I'm a bit thick though! ; ))
    And thank you so much for your lovely and encouraging words at mine!

  17. This is a really beautiful skirt! Hope, you used light yarn. I made a Granny Square jacket around 15years ago. The problem is the cotton yarn - it's so heavy! I've worn it maybe 10 times since then...

  18. Really pretty! Glad you showed the closeup of the pattern.

  19. crocheting still seems like such an amazing skill to me, i can't imagine being able to crochet like that. maybe when my 2 fellas are both at school...

    Playtime is in the shop by the way, in case you are still interested. It's an edition of 5 so there is no rush! x

  20. fabulous, i love it. i'm with kate, i think different coloured linings would be ace

  21. I just love how you are not afraid to try anything! Bravo!

  22. That is so will look stunning when you have finished off. Thanks for sharing

  23. Your crocheting is so consistent and pretty! Love the skirt. Perhaps you can add a crochet collar too? :)

  24. Wow, wow, wow. I love crochet garments and you have made this simply stunning. Just and idea but sew up some simple slips for underneath in various colours to swap around. Pink under yours would be delicious.
