Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry happy things :)

Happy holidays and many thanks to everyone who has supported 3 Sheets throughout the year! Looking forward to a fabulous 2011 :)

New Year's resolutions? 
1. Making good out of bad; always seeing the good in everything and everybody... 
(Pic above: I tried to crochet wire and that was a disaster - how do people do it?! Ended up sewing the wire to felt and making a xmas brooch.)
2. To let go and not be such a control freak... 
(Pic below: the Little One insisted on decorating the tree by herself this year. She said she's tired of me colour-theming it each year and that she wants lots of different colours everywhere... sorry, had to thwart her on the themed cyan and red wrapping paper though!) 


  1. Your post made me giggle Kylie!
    I hope you and your family and your uncolour coordinated tree have the most wonderful and joyous Christmas. I hope 2011 is full of inspiration and fun for you. X

  2. Yes, I recognise myself there - I'm a bit of a control freak too and I "rearranged" our tree.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Kylie, hugs to you all from France!

  3. Crocheting wire is tricky, especially if it's the stuff that doesn't hold its own shape. Slippery stuff!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Kylie!

  4. haha
    merry christmas to you!!

  5. Your tree is fab. Busy helped me with ours , but because I am a control freak when it comes to aesthetics, I moved everything around after she had gone to bed. She didn't notice.

  6. I love the tree, i'm all about letting the children decorate as it's all about them, not the cover of Martha Stewart Christmas!! Merry Christmas & enjoy the break, love Posie

  7. kylie, if only you could see our tree. all our decorations are on the top 3 branches because gus has been a nightmare, pulling everything off. i also had to let go. vital when you have an 18 month old boy! can you imagine the carnage if we put the presents under there too?!
    (cath's comment just cracked me up. that's me all over!)
    happy christmas to you! looking forward to more inspirational creations next year. xxx

  8. That's so funny, Kylie and she's actually done a lovely job ;-) And that's first step in your no.2 resolution before it's even 2011, so big pat on the back for you! (I try that every year btw...but I think I'll always be a control freak ;-))

    Have a wonderful holidays, K xx

  9. Kylie, what an example you are!
    Happiness to you and your lovely family!

  10. ha ha ha - had to laugh about the "colour themeing" I do it here too... so sad! Have a fabulous christmas - and here's looking forward to a super new year! hugs, K

  11. What magnificent tree you have. "Always seeing the good in everything and everybody" - that's a great philosophy, like a lot. Wish you a continued happy holiday Kyile :)

  12. not sure how i missed this and the next post {!} . . . i like your resolutions, and the themed wrapping paper! and your christmas present is the best :)
