Monday, December 20, 2010

Inspiration: mini moderns


I'm in a bit of a tizz at the moment... I just saw this wallpaper over at Print + Pattern and there's still quite a bit of hyperventilation going on in my chestal area ;) 
This is the mini modern 2011 "Festival" collection, celebrating the 1951 Festival of Britain (another of my obsessive loves when the new wave of post-war British designers were given a platform to launch their works)... Anyway, it ticks all my boxes and I can see I'm going to have to exercise supreme control to not go to this little Shoppe and spend my monee* :) 

*Actually, it's not so much the money, it's the fact that they only accept PayPal and I'm very cross with them at the moment for freezing fund transfers to Wikileaks.

There are other colours and many other fabulous products too. Visit the mini modern website for a peek :)


  1. GAH! Email them. Provide credit card details. Something. If nothing else works, I'm afraid you're going to have to SELL YOUR SOUL.

  2. I thought it was one of your designs! It's right up your street. Thanks for your email, glad it reached you, I think you should let your daughter have it! There will be more given away next year, and you have a winning streak! Merry Christmas x

  3. I saw that on P&P today too and funnily enough thought of you!! I think you'll somehow have to get it! K xx

  4. I can see how this would make your heart race!!! Lovely stuff. Makes me wonder if I could make some of my doodles into fabric?

  5. Beautiful stuff!!
    Happy Holidays dear Kylie!XXX

  6. aren't they great! funny re chestal area! i feel that often when flicking through blogs in the morning!!
    love the colours in these :)

  7. First: YES! to all those designs. They are the BEST. You simply MUST (I know, I'm a bad influence)- annoyed with Paypal too but sometimes you do have to go with the feeling in your chest (for me it's the gut!).
    PS thankyou for your lovely message. It is just as well I didn't win the golf buggy. I don't have time for another hobby..... :)

  8. Hey thanks so much for the mention - yes i am afraid the paypal situation is not something we like either but we are a small company with no ability to take cards at present. You can bank transfer cash to us if you would rather not use paypal.
    Again many many thanks for the mention.
    Best wishes
    Keith at Mini Moderns

  9. oh my goodness, i really must not enter that shop. i can see that it ticks all your grey and yellow boxes! thanks for your lovely comment, i will let you know when they go in the shop. x

  10. Oh my! I completely love it too Kylie! We're all going to have the same paper! Thanks for all your lovely comments. Merry Christmas again! x

  11. i'm not quite sure what the comment from francesca means on the festival wallpaper page - as we will be the only stockists in london of the wallpaper. So if you would like to buy it - get in touch and we can arrange with you how you would like to pay if you do not want to use paypal.

    many thanks and have a great christmas
    keith at mini moderns
