Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Creative Space - New Skills

My creative space this week is all about new skills. I'm two weeks into a silversmith course and have been learning how to saw metals. I'd never thought before about how jewellers actually constructed shapes but I'm slowly learning... it's a painstaking process of tiny saw cuts. Working with copper, of course... much better to trash 50 cents worth of copper than $25 worth of silver ;) I've been experimenting with different cuts - straight, curved etc. It's all still a bit shaky but the filing class this week gave me loads of hope for being able to smooth back my bumpy cuts :)

See more creative spaces at Kirsty's Kootoyoo.


  1. That looks like extremely delicate work!
    Will be great to see this evolve - looks brilliant Kylie!x

  2. very cool kylie! must be such fun immersing yourself in something new. love your shapes so far :)

  3. Wow what an exciting journey you are on. Like the look of the things you've shown. x

  4. Very impressive Kylie. Can't wait to see some finished results.

    That blade looks super sharp!

  5. It looks like you have been having fun indeed. I did a little silversmithing at uni and I always felt like it was 1 step forward and about 3 back. Having said that, I did enjoy it and would like to do more some time.

  6. Wow! That's seriously exciting stuff. Ah, the possibilities...

  7. What a great photo that first one is! I love the artist at work, the concentration, the strong hands, and so on. The cutting looks very delicate--good for you for giving it a go!

  8. Good on you for learning new skills! Your first attempts look fantastic and so're doing great! I hear you on using copper whilst learning...I can't bear to dig into my stash of sterling silver wire while I'm learning wirework, so my copper wire is getting a good workout :-)

  9. What a great skill...Your creatins look very nice so far :)

  10. Love the determination and stamina - you look so focussed.

  11. how absolutely exciting, sounds like a lot fun, can't wait to see more of your progress

  12. very impressive!!!
    it really looks like such a fun class

  13. Wow, how exciting & so much fun! Your work is looking pretty good so far, enjoy your venture...

  14. It’s so eye opening to do some jewellery making classes hey? I’m sure you have already discovered it is addictive! I can’t wait to get back into my silver smithing teachers studio for some more play time.

  15. Loving the design so far, I did a one day crash course in silversmithing and came away amazed at the sawing, punching, etc to create jewellery. Look forward to seeing some fab designs from you!

  16. So wonderful to be learning something new... your creations are already looking amazing and it is early days yet. Best of luck with this new skill. You are one very talented lady. Awesomeness abounds here - that's for sure.

  17. I love it- it looks really great, I have always wanted to learn how to do it. I will be interested to see the results.

  18. wow, lovley detailed 'cloud' you made - it must have taken you forever. I wonder how you do the tiny holes. I suppose they can't be punched... ;)
    Enjoy learning a new thing, Kylie, so much fun!

  19. wonderful for you. i love the photo, you look so into it. xx

  20. oh my goodness - how exciting. Kylie, you'd make the best necklaces ever! I can just see I'd want one from the shapes you've been working on. :) wow... can't wait to see what comes next. Hope you're having fun - love that photo of you so much! hugs xo

  21. wow, Kylie, that's all looking very impressive. I am sure you will capture the skills in no time and this will just be one more thing you are super-talented at x

  22. seems like lots of fun andddddddddd "hard work" =) It is great! I always wanted to do something like that but somehow.....ya; know... =)

  23. fantastic to take the plunge into a new skill. look forward to seeing more of your work

  24. Oh how fabulous Kylie!
    I love the idea of seeing your metal style develop and take shape.
    I wonder if it will follow along the path of your textiles or if it will forge an altogether new path in a different direction.

  25. Yay! How exciting, you are obviously a natural.
    Can't wait to see all your progress :-)

  26. Wow! I love the intensity in the first shot, too!

    Thanks for your lovely comment re: job. I'm actually still deciding between it and something else - I'll keep you posted. xx

  27. I can't wait to see what you are up to!

  28. How exciting Kylie! Look forward to viewing all your wonderful creativeness...

  29. I can't tell you how excited I am to see your 'space'. WAY. TO. GO. LADY! It's a calling, a calling, dammit!

  30. wow great experimental shapes. looks like you are having fun : ) looking forward to watching you and this skill xx
