Friday, July 2, 2010

Inspiration: Anila Rubiku

Anila Rubiku is one of those inspiring artists who thrive on community involvement... Her work encompasses a fascinating cross section of mediums - drawing, embroidery and sculptural installations - which she uses to develop local history community projects with a contemporary perspective. I am just in love with the top image... dreaming of embroidery school ;) I imagine each embroidery hoop contains a new part to a fascinating narrative... maybe about her cultural travels? To find out more, visit Anila Rubiku's website.


  1. Ah, you know this is right up my alley. Love those photos. Would love to walk around in the first one. ;)

  2. I love Anila's work . It's extroadinarily original too. Have you noticed at all that it's also quite raunchy? ;)

  3. Oh, I've never seen that before - fantastic! Makes me want to get out the embroidery hoop! Thanks so much for introducing me to her work, Kylie.

  4. how fantastic! i love the first image too with a similar initial thought to you. thanks for sharing.
