Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Creative Space - Hit + Miss

My Creative Space this week was a real hit-and-miss affair with screenprinting a new stencil I'd spontaneously cut out on Monday. Making it all up as I went along, I thought I'd planned the design (with all the measuring etc) but I hadn't really thought about how it would work...

I decided to print up a few panels just to see how the stencil printed and these trials worked pretty well I think. My friend Sally gave me some bronze fabric paint for my birthday earlier in the year and I thought it high time I used it...

... making up a bit of a Three Colours Pink medley :) I did try to print them as a continuous pattern but it just wasn't going to work. The very talented Thea hinted at this and I knew the minute I tried to print them exactly what she meant! You were right, Thea :) So, it's back to the drawing board for reworking this pattern. Meanwhile... if anyone would like some pink and bronze panels for quilting or whatever, let me know and I'll send them to you! :)

To see more creative spaces or to play along yourself, visit Kirsty's at Kootoyoo.


  1. I think these are a lot more "hit" than "miss", Kylie! Love the little leave/petals which fly off - so pretty. xx

  2. It is a gorgeous pattern with the leaves floating away. I love how the circles match up when they are laid out!xx

  3. I love the pattern! I also like how that paint works with the fabric texture--it almost looks stitched.

  4. it stencilled up beautifully, such a gorgeous pattern and i love the bronze paint

  5. Kylie,
    How beautiful! I love it on the white :-)
    Can't you print the repeat on one big piece of fabric? They look like they nearly line up. Perhaps you can cut and cheat a bit so they do!
    It would be terrible if all that work went to waste.

  6. I love the pattern you're working with and how the leaves fall away. I hope you are happy and feel you've "hit it" soon.xo

  7. That bronze paint looks so 3D, it makes your lovely pattern so alive (it looks flocked, almost). Beautiful. Why don't you stitch the four panels together into a little quilt top and back it with chenille or something tactile? Or make some cushions?

  8. They are still very pretty even if they didn't quite work out. Not quite working out is always a good place to start on getting it right.

  9. Love the panels - I think you're too critical of your work - they are lovely :)

  10. it's looking pretty divine!
    pity about the technical side of it being so tricky. definitely worth persevering with :)

  11. oh, wondering how your silver smithing homework is going ;)

  12. Great panels. Feel your frustration with them to forming the pattern the way that you had hoped. Nonetheless the design is so beautiful - it really captures the sense of being swept away by a beautiful summer breeze. Ace.

  13. It looks super great to me! I don't think I am able to follow pattern like that, I am too messy for this, so I find this amazing =)

  14. these are really gorgeous such a delicate, sweet quality, the bronze is beautiful 'dancing in the leaves'...

  15. They are gorgeous, Kylie and definitely are a hit. The little fluttering away petals are so pretty.

  16. Great to see the result! Your work makes my eyes smile... Lovely-nice-myum!

  17. wow, that is so intricate and beautiful. really lovely work

  18. oh wow those prints are gorgeous!!

  19. A big hit I'd say! Love the way the leaves fall away.

  20. those are sooooo great!!! i love them

  21. Still completely lovely - the bronze looks gorgeous on the pink. x

  22. Yes, good ol' repeat patterns. Nothing's a waste though, you've learned something!
    For a simple repeat, it's explained fairly well here:
    Stick with it, it's a beautiful design...

  23. I like this pattern and the bronze is great, I wonder how will look in silver...

  24. Yep, I could tell straight away that it wouldn't work but it was too hard to explain without physically showing you. You can't cut a motif in half to do a repeat. I knew you would know what I meant once you printed... Repeats are very hard to do. I test them over and over in Photoshop first. This is a beautiful design though and one you should develop. x
