Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Creative Space - Placing hexs

I'm playing along with Kirsty's meme My Creative Space this week. Visit Kootoyoo to see more or to play along yourself.

I haven't had the opportunity to do much crafting this week but I have finished crocheting all of my hexs for the blanket. I've laid them all out on the dining table in place and have my photo now so if they have to be moved I can see where colours should go again. And now begins the process of crocheting them all together..!

p.s. sorry for the bad photos - I just couldn't get high enough to take a complete shot ;)

p.p.s. I'm celebrating my first blogiversary with a giveaway. See the post below if you'd like to enter :)


  1. Such divine colours... and those hexagons - YUMMO!!!
    I love the layout you've gone for. It's looking really really great Kylie.

  2. Kylie, I love your colours!!! Blue and Green should most definitely be seen!

  3. Kylie this is amazing! I love that green and the other colours blend perfectly with it.

  4. It looks awesome! Love the green boarder on each long side. It is going to be loved this winter. :)

  5. Love the hexagons. The blanket will be stunning when its finished! Happy bloggiversary. It's mine too :o)

  6. Great idea to photograph it before it gets moved! Looking beautiful - and in my fav colours!!

  7. the hexagons are looking stunning Kylie! I love the pattern you've come up with xo

  8. Great colors, and very smart to photograph. It's going to be gorgeous!

  9. After seeing your beautiful hexagons I am so inspired to get hooking again!! I love the colours you have used, will it be tricky crocheting them together? I can't wait to see the finished blankie. Oh, so lovely Kylie!! xo

  10. The photo was a clever idea, it's looking fantastic & I love those colours so much!

  11. gorgeous ~ love the blues and green, reminds me of the ocean

  12. it's mesmerising and gorgeous!
    good idea re the photo, can imagine it'll take a while with the stitching.

  13. Yummy colours! I love blue and green together and yes a good idea to take a photo.

  14. Oh Kylie my heart skipped a beat... They are all my favourite's going to look divine! x

  15. wow! Now this looks amazing! I love the color choice =)

  16. Your blanket looks wonderful, you have a great eye for colour. Happy blogiversay! it's mine too today! 1 year, where does the time go!? love your blog, keep up the great work!:)

  17. This is stunning, Kylie. You must be thrilled with how it's coming together. Look forward to catching up during your busy time when you have a mo ;-) xx

  18. Love it - it looks like a beautiful rockpool of wool!

  19. mmmmmmmmmm green i love it just learned how to do hex's myself!!

  20. You are all kinds of clever and fabulous. I love it.

  21. Love the colours... and little teeny hexagons. Have fun creating! xo m.

  22. Go greeeeeeen!! Woohoo it looks like a kaleidoscope!!

    xo Steph

  23. it looks fantastic. remember to post a photo with your toes sticking out of the bottom of it when it's done

  24. ...and remember a time when you could not crochet? Now look at ya! XO

  25. Awesome work Kylie! I am really looking forward to see this finished!

  26. It's going to be gorgeous when it's finished.

  27. The blanket looks fab! Just in time for winter there! :) quick, crochet it together! :)

  28. I showed your rug to my Mum and have now bought her a book on how to crochet different squares/hexes etc. Thanks for the inspiration, as always Kylie! By the way, sorry I was away for your blog-versary: congratulations!
