Sunday, April 25, 2010

1st blogiversary giveaway :)

I've just been reading M*'s post about missing her blogiversary and I thought, Hang on a minute...! There was some frantic checking of the calendar and... I realised that I've missed my first Blog Birthday too!

April 10th last year I started this funny old thing called 3 Sheets and the year really has whizzed by at an incredible speed. The growth I've experienced as a person because of the amazingly supportive and encouraging craft blog community has helped me refine what I'm doing and the directions I decide to go, at the same time as teaching me a swag of soul-boosting lessons.

Thank you :) Thanks for supporting me and thanks for telling me to get a grip when I needed it too ;)

So.... a giveaway is in order I think. As I am spectacularly unorganised for the occasion, I've decided to pick out three things I've made over the last year for your choice. There will, of course, be three winners so you need to leave a comment and specify which of the three choices you prefer...

Choice 1: Embroidered brooch

Choice 2: Crochet and felt brooch

Choice 3: Pen + wash picture (A5 size)

Now, some apologies...
First, the trivial: I seem to be having a bit of a green moment in my choice of items, sorry.
Next the fixable: the photo of the pen + wash is phenomenally bad I'm afraid, but I will replace it when the sun comes out for a better look-see. Surprisingly it is actually quite a vibrant colour ;)
And lastly, the unavoidable: I have to start working this week (and for the next couple of months) in my husband's optometry practice (yep, I giggled too... can't see it yet but I'll be there!). So, apologies that I won't be posting as often or crafting as much or visiting as often... I imagine I'll be one of those midnight lurkers! ;)
Anyway, many thanks again for the wonderful support and I hope you like the choices for the giveaway.
I'll make a random draw on Saturday 1st May :)


  1. Kylie I love your blogs and your work - I always find inspiration over here and never fail to pop in and see what you've been up to.
    Congratulations on your 1 year on the web - hope it's the first of many more. I'd love to win the top embroidered brooch, it's gorgeous (have a look at Lumetta's giveaway on my blog too, I'm sure you'd love it...).
    Come back soon!!!

  2. Are you kidding?! I love the green! I like #3- perfect for our living room. Thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous stuff and HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! xo m.

  3. Happy blog-o-versary! I'm so happy that I've met you through the blogworld! You are the most supportive and generous blogger around the block! I hope you'll love your new job. :)
    I love the embroidered brooch heaps!

  4. Yay! Congrats for Blog birthday =D
    (remaind me to check on mine when did I start =))
    I love your blog, and I am an addict follower =D thanks for this lovely giveaway! I looooooooove the embroidered brooch =)
    Thanks again=)

  5. Greetings! I've just come to your blog for the first time, love it, and will be marking it as a favorite on my list. I LOVE your choice
    # 3. It's stunning. Keep on blogging sister. Your art is inspiring.

  6. happy birthday! i completely forgot to drop you an email to say thankyou for the wonderful tea towel. i dare not use it to dry dishes with so at the moment it is hanging on the back of my sewing chair! your more than welcome for the tea pot, i enjoyed doing it and shall keep my beady eyes open for more similar bargains

  7. Congratulations! I've been (quietly) enjoying your blog for quite some time now. All of your creations are lovely, but choice #1 really speaks to me.

  8. Congratulations Kylie! I looove your pen and wash picture - gorgeous colour and design!!
    Thanks for being a blog friend!xx

  9. Firstly Congratulations! Secondly I am a little gutted you won't be posting as much, I always enjoy what you have to say. And thirdly, the lovely pen and wash picture appeals to my spaghetti splattered walls! See you at midnight.....

  10. Weird that as my first blogiversary approaches (it does go quickly, doesn't it?) I've returned to work too! I've been missing checking out my favourite blogs (like yours) as often as I used to, but it is extra special when I catch up.

    Good luck with the work and know that we'll still be reading whenever you manage to post x

  11. Congrats Kylie on over a year of wonderful blogging... I love every post of yours and the way you've opened up a world of design and art to me... I also love the art/ craft crossover at 3 Sheets and the way you're such a humble participant in the blog community.

    If I'm lucky enough to get a look- in that artwork is rocking my world! Not that I'd say no to another brooch either... Yum.

  12. I love your style! Congratulations on the blogversary. Can I put my name down for all three prizes? I'd be happy to have a chance to win any of them! :)

  13. happy blogiversary - it'd be the top brooch for me please

  14. Happy Blogoversary Kylie :-)
    Hope we still get to see you.
    I love your brooches, number one's my favourite I think!

  15. Incredible. One year? I thought you were one of those long established blogs - what an achievement for just one year. Congratulations! As for choice betwen three giveaways, it was your brooches that first led me to your blog - I just love them, so either one! XX Luna
    PS Good luck with the day work. I hope hubby is paying you well ;)

  16. Oh, count me in. I am loving that pen and wash! (And green is my favorite!)

    Congrats on one year. It's amazing how this community can change us so much, in good ways, isn't it?

  17. Oh Kylie, I missed my bloganniversary as well!But better late than never...Congratulations!!You are really amazing, a wonderful and very talented friend!!!!Thank you for all the goodness and inspiration in your blog all through this first blog-year of yours!(plus all the terrific and supportive comments!)
    And if I have to make a choice,... I do love the second brooch!
    (I hope the next two months go by fast!)
    Annamaria xx

  18. Hello Lovely. Now didn't I pick a grand time to come and visit?! I have to agree - whoosh and your first year has gone. Happy to say I've been around since the beginning and will be here 'til the end (if indeed there is one!). You know I love your guts! XXOO

    PS. I choose the print - delicious.

  19. My dear Kylie I love your blogs and I love your work!! Congratulations!! and please come back soon!!

  20. Here I am, lurking at midnight myself.
    Happy blogoversary, and number three is my choice.
    Hope the work is a change that's as good as a holiday. And that you can fit us in when you can.
    We'll be here when you are!

  21. congrats on a year! i love your blog too, you are an inspiration.
    i don't know what i'd do without the blogging community either :)
    i really love the second brooch ~ thanks for having such a generous giveaway.

  22. It's a great achievement Kylie, you should feel proud that your blog is one that many return to for great inspiration, in your work and in others. I'm fortunate to already own one of your brooches, so I'm choosing pen and wash plus I really love it!
    Good luck in the Optom practice, I've been hubby's one of them x.

  23. helloooo! i'd like to say how lovely your blog is and i especially like that i always forget you have '3 is the magic number' playing, one of my fave songs ever (reminds me of when my little boy was born) and it's always a lovely surprise!
    happy blog birthday!
    ps thank you too for all your comments, you are always so sweet.

  24. congratulations on your blog birthday kylie! i cant believe you have only been at this for a little over a year, you are such a rich contributor to the crafty blog community. thank you for joining and good luck over the next two months x
    green is my fav colour so no apologies for the greeness of choices they are all divine. the top brooch is my pick of the 3 x

  25. Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. I love the idea that blogging gives you such a wonderful record of your life and your crafting and now you have a whole year to look back on. I love all three of your gorgeous pieces but as a crochet-a-holic, would have to choose the felt and crochet one if I were to win. X

  26. Congratulations - madly checking when mine is now... I would so love one of your brochets (is that even the plural of brooch?), I have been coveting them for ages!

  27. Congrats on one year! I can't believe it's only been a year, seems like longer. I'd have to say the embroidered brooch, of course!

  28. Love all of them but I think if pressed I would chose the first brooch. Incredible detail! Happy Bloggiversary!

  29. how exciting! gorgeous photos of your items :)

    thanks for the opportunity!

    email in profile

  30. well I'm having a bit of a green moment in my clothing at the moment so I'd LURVE to win that top embroidered brooch ;-) Green hasn't featured too heavily in our renos, but I'm racking my brains where that pic would tie in cos it's awesome, Kylie!
    Congratulations on you bloggiversary...I'm so glad I found you in blogland and hope one day one of your London trips will enable us meet up for real xx

  31. Happy blogiversary! Love your work, and it's hard to choose, but I think the embroidered brooch is beautiful!...I love green!

  32. Hippo birdy to you Kylie. I too totally forgot my little blog's birthday. I love your brooch personally although all three are gorgeous. xo

  33. Congrats to is a bit of a milestone the one year thing. If you weren't on the blog waves I don't know where I would see all that interesting stuff you find. Keep it going I say!!! Now on to more important stuff all your goodies are lovely but I think if I was a lucky recipient of a prize I would like the prize no.3.....the colours are just fantastic.

  34. YAY happy blogaversary... there is no way I could choose... I love a surprise!! So hit me!!

    xo Steph

  35. congratulations on your blogaversary!! GORGEOUS goodies you are giving away and any one of the three would be divine I think... love them xx

  36. i cannot even begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed this year of visits here are such an inspiration to me! I LOVE your brooches and will dream of being chosen!!!

  37. happy belated birthday!it's been great to have you around, i really admire your embroidery skills (and other skills as well!) so after few days of trying to choose i'll have to say number one.

  38. firstly, happy blog-birthday! not even sure how i found you in the first place but very inspired.

    i am completely, utterly, in love with the pen and wash creation in no awe of the work involved. and adore all the green.

  39. Yay, Kylie! How lovely...I would be honored to be the owner of any of the choices, but I suppose that the first brooch is my very favorite. Happy blog-birthday, and I hope your weekend is a truly lovely one! xoxo.
