Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Creative Space - Crochet blanket wip

I'm playing along with My Creative Space today. Visit Kirsty's at Kootoyoo to see other spacers or to play along yourself.

I have been steadily working away at my crochet hexagon blanket for a while now. My eldest daughter claimed it a week or so ago but put in a special request that it include more blues and greens. So, off to Tangled Yarns we went and selected some sumptuous shades. I've really been enjoying crocheting these hexagons. When it was going to be all green I was joining as I went (otherwise known as the fancy pants method)... Now that a chaotic cluster of colour has been ordered, I'm making piles to lay out in their places when finished. Loving these shades of blue and green.

p.s. Did you see my new sewing/crochet/reading specs?
Loving them too :)


  1. Wow - those little shapes are wonderful all piled high! *high 5* to you. keep up the great work.

  2. I can't believe how much you get done. And to think that you only learnt to crochet last year. Very impressive!

  3. Wow Kylie, that's an heirloom in the making.
    Very cool!
    I love the new colours, I think my favourite is the tealy mid blue :-)
    Can't wait to see how you arrange the colours.

  4. Where do you get the time for all of this? The size of these small hexagons, makes this quilt very special. You have inspired me to learn to crotchet. (lick end of pencil and write pedantically "learn to crotchet" to battered and torn list)xxNick

  5. The colours are heavenly Kylie. So beautiful. I love, love, love your style.

  6. Those are gorgeous colors! I love the second photo with the greens laid out and the stacks nearby. Love the idea of a hexagon design, too.

  7. It's going to be beautiful!

    I think it might almost be time to join the box of chocolates squares from last year...or maybe not ;)

  8. Looking lovely, what neat lil hexagons you make.

  9. Wow you have been busy!
    The colours are fab.

  10. I like the teal blue too! You have some v lovely color combination there! :)

  11. that is going to be beautiful. don't blame your daughter for jumping in to lay claim

  12. it's looking totally stunning Kylie. and just imagine when it's finished.x

  13. OMG they are divine! That is going to be the most beautiful blanket, I love the colours!

  14. Oh wow! All those beautiful colours, looks so amazing! Love the pattern too!
    Sophie x

  15. Beautiful colours, its going to look so amazing!!

  16. OMG! That looks awesome. Fancy pants or not, (he he) your blanket is going to be amazing. I love the individual shapes, and the honeycomb pattern they make when combined. Can't wait to see it finished. Nice! :) xo

  17. Kylie, I think it's fab-u-lous! Your daughter is super lucky. xo

  18. It's gorgeous! And those stacks of hexagons look so great. As do those skeins... even though I said I would never buy another skein... maybe I would...

    :) Christina

    PS. The glasses look funky indeed. I need to get my first pair of glasses. Something for driving with so that everything at 50m isn't a blur! :)

  19. wow, that's a lot of very pretty hexagons, Kylie! Love the new shades of color too! Haha, I'm not envious of you sewing them together! LOL :)

  20. Great work - what a feat. Good choice in the blue greens too.

  21. i don't blame her for claiming it, it's gorgeous + of course i love the colours. makes me want to make one too! {i made 2 ripple scarves while i was away}.
    i did notice your glasses ~ they are amazing, where are they from?

  22. you're a crocheting machine! wonderful colours. may it be much loved.

  23. love all those greens and blues...but I'd keep it away from your daughter if I were you!!

  24. Gorgeous colours. Sure to become a treasured heirloom

  25. you have been busy! I love that colour green.

  26. I am suitably impressed with your crocheting!!!

  27. wow oh wow, all that crocheting looks fabulous. Blue and green are my favourite colour combo. Lucky daughter of yours!

  28. Lovely lovely shades! You have picked up the crochet thing well and truly Kylie.

  29. You know what? You have just placed a small kick squarely on my rear. The only thing holding me up is my non-fancy pants methods (can you believe up tight me managed to produce crochet too loose to fancy pants?). In all probability mine shall end up a shagpile rug. Yours, in the meantime, is going to be a TREASURE.

    PS. You had things so right with your de-schooling comment. I'll expect your invoice for Therapy Services in the post...

  30. great blog and what a happy find! your crochet must be an act of love - hours and hours of work! it will look lovely when it's complete though.

  31. LUCKY DAUGHTER!!the colors are really so perfect have made so many , it thrills me to see the little piles of hexagons.. glasses might as well be cool looking and these are..

  32. you have been so industrious ... the blanket is going to be amazing. (great choice of colours too ... my total and absolute favourite colours).
    My Creative Space

  33. Wow I love your crochet and is that right you only learnt last year as well?? You are much better than I am, your blanket is fantastic!! What yarn are you using? The colours look amazing....I did notice your specs as well, too cool!

  34. So gorgeous! I love crochet but I totally suck at it :(

    Just had to drop by and say 'HI'. I am so happy when I find 'other Aussies'.

  35. Can't wait to see the finished blanket.Love those blues!

  36. I've already told you how much I adore the green - but the blues are super special too... just as are your specs. Cute.

  37. They are absolutely gorgeous- OMG- you 've done all that and you just started the crochet lessons a couple of months ago!!!!Well done, you!!

  38. Wonderful. I love seeing them all stacked like that!

  39. Gasp, gasp, gasp, Kylie this is my most favouritist thing I've seen in blogland this week. Although how I'm only getting around to it today I don't know...!! Anyway it's glorious, the colours and shapes, I'm so excited by it! OK enough raving now.

  40. wow, you have a lot already! so it will be ready for a summer picknick! nice!

  41. oh dear...i've got a project quite similar to endless little grannies blanket, but I got stuck with it!
    good luck with yours, I see you've got the right pace!
