Sunday, April 11, 2010

Handmade goodies

It was another excellent week for post this week. So exciting that the very talented Melanie from M* has opened an Etsy Store. Have a peek at her fabulous jug/glass covers here. Also, the lovely Evie from Handmade Romance just keeps coming up with brilliant ideas in her Etsy Store. I couldn't resist her courting couple who now sit saying 'hi' to each other on my bed :) Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. what charming items..I shall pop right over...very happy day to you friend!

  2. You have such great taste Kylie and always find the coolest things. I am always thinking "I want that too" when I see your posts! :)

  3. Love that 'couple'! Especially the stubble!

  4. wow Kylie, your patio looks fantastic! seems you are the biggest sponsor ever, what a treasures all over the place!
    I see you sitting on that lovely bench with your crocheting :-) mmm

  5. Your porch looks so lovely. And how nice to see "my" pillow there ;)

  6. Very lovely stuff! Mmm - patio/porch does look fabbo too.

  7. your outdoor area looks lovely and like its would be very easy to get super cosy on! love it! thanks for the sweet mention. im so glad these two arrived safely and have been behaving : )
