Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Creative Space - Fools Rush In

I'm playing along with Kirsty's Creative Space meme today. To see some more or play along yourself, visit Kootoyoo.

So, this week I thought I'd let you know what has happened to my tea towel... well, basically I've totally fluffed it.

You'd think after all these years I'd remember a few basics about screenprinting and even about standard principles of colour... but apparently not. Yep, I mixed a colour and just plonked it on without doing a colour check. Yep, it was way too dark and threw the whole composition. And yep, I then tried to fix it by screenprinting over it in another layer without checking that colour and now it's too heavy (colour) and too thick (consistency) and overall just too dominant for the whole design... This one is definitely not going to the Pool Room ;)

Anyway, I am a big fan of trial and error and it's been a good exercise reminding me of a few things. This piece won't go to waste - I'll find some use for bits and pieces in a collage or something...

Back to the drawing board for me. Isn't it funny though how, taken in isolation, the 'bad' bits can actually be the most interesting bits? I'm really loving the dark shadow under the grey :)


  1. I think you're being way too harsh, Kylie - I love this!

  2. Looks pretty good to me! But I too am guilty of rushing in...I remembered with my latest throw to pin to stop the rucking...will reveal finished item in next day or 2 ;-) Have fun getting your as you want it xx

  3. you make me smile . ever the artist . will use it elsewhere...i know you will!!

    loving the grays and golds/yellows tho'

  4. I love it! I don't think it's too dark & I love the black under the grey.

  5. I love the little crescent shadow too. If at first you don't succeed... yadda yadda... you're a champion. Love your perfectionism, love your art. I wish I was one of your swappees!

  6. hermoso todo lo que mostras en tu espacio

  7. This is a reject? It looks amazing!

  8. I still quite like it, but I know it's always different when it's your own and you had an idea or it. I'm a "jump right in headfirst" person with my creative stuff too. Sometimes that results in some great stuff, sometimes some terrible flops!

  9. Nothing about those tea towels is 'bad'. Who cares about thick ink! As if anyone is going to use 'em to dry boring dishes!

  10. I think they look great, love the colours! But we are our own worst critics I'd say...

  11. What if you go over the yellow with a darker yellow to balance all colours? It could maybe be saved because as you say the dark shapes are actually really working well- but then you know best because I haven't screenprinted anything since art school!!! It's a great design though Kylie-
    Annamaria xx

  12. What are you talking about? It's beautiful, I really LOVE it! Silly Billy

  13. I must be looking at something else, because I LOVE IT! I want one for my kitchen!
    Sophie x

  14. i like the overlap too. it's not too fluffy in my eyes! it's good that you've got it going ~ jumping in is sound practice :)

  15. Love the design! I think perhaps we can all be a bit too critical of our own work sometimes ~ or am I the only one with a cupboard full of seconds/trials?

  16. I really like the colours and the design is great! maybe not good as a tea towel but I think it would make gorgeous curtains.

  17. Yes, it looks good to me. But i do agree that we all have an idea of what we wanted and when we fluff up it is annoying. Thanks for sharing, makes me feel i'm not the only one who does it! Cathy

  18. First off, you didn't fluff it! I like the shadow too - at first I thought you actaullay cut those shapes out of the fabric they look so real. Have another go! Nic

  19. I think it looks really 'arty' - I love the grey too! It was meant to happen :)

  20. Really ? You don't like it ? I think it looks great but I understand that we are usually our own harshest critics.

  21. I love the dark grey shadow too, it's a happy accident, all good! love the grey & yellow colour scheme, they look great!

  22. The perfectionism is certainly what drives us and when it does not turn out the way we see it in our mind's eye it can be frustrating. That said sometimes it is those slight imperfections that make a piece come alive.
    I really like the yellow/gray vibe. I think the slight imbalance of the strength of the grey makes the design dynamic especially with the yellow being an advancing colour. I would live with it for a while.

  23. Ooh, I actually like how it turned out--such an interesting color scheme and a very retro vibe! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment about my work :)

  24. Could you not add a bit more of the grey/ black in some sort of smaller design on top of the yellow to tie the two areas together and look like it was a deliberate thing you did?

  25. I think you are being to harsh as well. But I must admit- a few of mine are definitely NOT going straight to the pool room either!!!!

  26. well if that's the fluffed version, i can't imagine how spectacular the good one will be. i love the colours. design everything about it

  27. oh this sounds like a familiar story to me : )
    still fun though. it looks like you have been having fun. we always learn from these moments though x

  28. I don't mind being it darker grey! I still love it! :)

  29. I LOVE it! It might not be what you had dreamed it to be but maybe with some space you will be able to see it differently because I think it works perfectly!

  30. I've overworked things before. Sometimes they come out okay, other times they hit the scrap heap. I do like your colors!

  31. How brave of you to share your mistakes - even if I can hardly see what is wrong! I think we sometimes learn more from our mistakes than the pieces that work the first time!
    Have a happy weekend!

  32. What an awesome design Kylie. Beautiful. Like you grey is one of my favourite colours too... and teamed up with yellow - so so so wonderful. I understand your frustration in regards to the execution. So glad that you're enjoying the process as much as getting the desired result.

  33. Kylie, I don't mind the dark at all, but I do know what you mean. I have a certain idea in my head, so when it doesn't come out like that, well, I'm not pleased really. So I do understand. I like the light grey... and that lovely soft buttery yellow/lemon. Yummy. And yes, the Kreative blog award is for you! I hope you like it - you're such an inspiration: it's only natural! xo
