Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday Shopping

We went to the BrisStyle Indie Designers Market at Hamilton this morning and it was pumping! So many fabulous stalls spilling out all over the grounds and standing room only in the St Augustine church building. We had such a great time. My daughters went crazy on finding things they "absolutely had to have"! Here's a snapshot of our bounty!


  1. You were right, I did miss that posting!!! Kylie, how many big hugs can I give you? I was running around trying to get your stuff posted and handle some other responsibilities as well, and I wasn't going to visit your blog until I had posted everything and was able to tell you with a clear conscience that all was flying to you! So I missed it! That's so funny- thank you, thank you Kylie, you are so lovely!

  2. Looks like a great haul. I love those little bear/monster softie things. And the edward and lilly little brooches, adorable, I have one!

  3. the markets were packed weren't they! i bought a few little heart brooches from prettyhead, wasn't her stuff wonderful? such a lovely day :)

  4. Looks like you found some fun bits and bobs there. I wish the French were a little bit more crafty sometimes, I miss that here.

  5. so lovely treasures... another nice blog.
    hope you've enjoy those days on the beach :)
